CBS gave its new late-night series “After Midnight” a bit of a soft launch Tuesday night, debuting the show with...
Roxanne Bacchus
Manhattan art dealer Brent Sikkema, who represented such prominent artists as Kara Walker, Jeffrey Gibson and Vic Muniz, was found...
Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images (From left) Christina Applegate and Anthony Anderson at the 75th Emmy Awards in Los Angeles. CNN —...
CNN — after A delay of four months Motivated by the 75th annual Hollywood Twin Actors and Writers Strikes Emmy...
Awards by Samantha Ibrahim published January 15, 2024 Updated January 15, 2024, 8:43 PM ET Christina Applegate is back! The...
No matter what they do, they won't finish second. Mark Ronson and Andrew Wyatt won Best Original Song at the...
Exclusive Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce No involvement in the business, at the moment 1/15/2024 at 1:00 AM PT People...
The 29th Annual Critics' Choice Awards are being held in Santa Monica, and Chelsea Handler kicked off the evening by...
Joyce Randolph, who played Trixie Norton, the guffawing, rubber-limbed wife of a sewer worker forever ensnared in an arrogant neighbor's...
News by Catherine Dunleavy published January 14, 2024, 2:00 AM ET Actor Alec Moser, best known for his role as...