July 7, 2024

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Gabriel Attel accused the Socialists of being embarrassed by their support for François Hollande.

Gabriel Attel accused the Socialists of being embarrassed by their support for François Hollande.

On Wednesday 5 June Gabriel Attal accused the Socialists, led by Raphaël Glucksmann, of following the majority in the European elections and wanting to hide the support of former President François Hollande. PS MP Fatiha Keloua Hachi questioned the Prime Minister in the National Assembly His sudden intervention on Monday at the France Radio Arena in support of the presidential candidate Valéry Heyer. “We support Valerie Heyer’s list and you are jealous that you and your list have such shameful support.” Gabriel Attal replied. Follow our live stream.

Marine Le Pen accused Emmanuel Macron of “manipulating opinion” with the arrival of Volodymyr Zelensky. She judges what the head of state wants “instrument” War in Ukraine “to the point of nausea”, The Ukrainian president will address the representatives of the National Assembly on Friday and will be welcomed by Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee two days before the election. Marine Le Pen also blamed the executive“Attempt for political gain” Memories of the landing, however, should be the opposite “As a moment of national unity”.

The LFI will demand a commission of inquiry into the election. “We are going to ask the commission of inquiry to calculate the composition of the polls.”, reported Manon Aubry at franceinfo, LFI list leader in the European elections, a few days before the elections. The candidate believes that the election “Happens under the best of circumstances”But she notes that, this Wednesday, “Not everyone has yet received the Bulletins and Professions of Faith, especially in a limited number of foreign territories.”

Klucksmann calls for him to be put in 2nd place to break the Macron-RN “deadly fight”. PS-Place called on voters Wednesday to put him in second place over general candidate Valerie Heyer. “Back to the Deadly Fight” The National Rally was mostly announced between the Front and the Macronist camp.

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DThe last discussion of the main leaders of the list. Five days before the European elections, several candidates debated France 2 and France Inter, their vision for Europe, simultaneously on the program “L’Evénement”. Here’s what you need to remember.