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Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted in a no-confidence vote

Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted in a no-confidence vote

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted on Saturday, April 9, by an audit resolution after a week-long political crisis, with a vote against him in the National Assembly. Despite being postponed twice during the day, Mr Khan’s maneuver to retain power in Pakistan failed.

There was movement “Approved” 174 of the 342 delegates, their acting spokesman Sardar Ayas Sadiq announced. No Prime Minister has completed his term in Pakistan since independence in 1947, but Mr. Khan was the first to fall in the no-confidence vote.

He became Prime Minister in 2018. Shebaz Sharif, the leader of his successor, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), should be the leader of the 220 million nuclear-armed Islamic Republic.

read more: The article is reserved for our subscribers The Prime Minister of Pakistan pushed out

Dissolution of the Assembly is unconstitutional

The referendum comes as the Supreme Court on Thursday dealt a bitter blow to the Pakistani prime minister. The latter, famous for leading the national cricket team to its only World Cup victory in ’69 and 1992, sought to escape this opposition resolution by dissolving the National Assembly four days earlier and calling for general elections.

The five magistrates of the country’s Supreme Court have unanimously ruled that the plan to prevent a no-confidence vote is unconstitutional and that all subsequent decisions will not have legal effect. So the National Assembly was re-establishedAs well as the government.

Always popular with large sections of the population, Mr. Khan may not have said his last word in view of the upcoming elections. But his accusation and his initiative in emphasizing the breakdown of Pakistani society in recent days, he accused of harsh attacks against the opposition. “Treason”Let’s play against him.

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Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers Pakistan and its contradictions in the view of Lucas Bariolet

Imran Khan came to power in 2018 after his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) won the assembly elections on a populist platform combining promises of social reform, religious conservatism and the fight against corruption. Twenty-two years after entering politics, his perseverance was thus rewarded.

Popular choices, tough economic times

As head of government, he first exploited his immortal image and the fatigue of the community of traditional parties that had monopolized power with the military for decades. During the Govt-19 epidemics, it was its intention not to impose national imprisonment “Hunger until death” People, became popular and successful. The country was largely saved (30,000 people died).

But the economic situation and his bad choices eventually caught up with him. High inflation, the depreciation of the rupee since July and the weakening debt burden have weakened. The deteriorating security situation has contributed to its difficulties, especially since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in mid-August.

Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers Pakistan and its contradictions in the view of Lucas Bariolet

Their successful visit was first described as a victory for Pakistan, accused of supporting them for a long time, and to the one adorned with the nickname “Taliban Khan” For never stopping the conversation with them. But after several years of peace, attacks have resumed since August, especially by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) -led Pakistani Taliban. Despite being quiet in recent days, Imran Khan has suffered as his relations with the military, which has been accused of interfering in his support in 2018, have deteriorated.

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Was accused of being complacent towards the climax

His efforts to establish Pakistan as a key regional player have had little effect. Relations with Washington and European countries have expanded, especially as a result of his fanaticism against Islamophobia, which has disguised his view of the West in the guise of freedom of expression. Islamabad has become even closer with China. Moreover, Imran Khan’s official visit to Moscow on the eve of the war in Ukraine made him the object of much ridicule.

The son of a wealthy family in Lahore, who graduated from Oxford, has been married three times since retaining the reputation of being a playboy in his sporting career, and has been criticized for his dissatisfaction with religious extremists. He married Pushra Bibi for the third time in 2018 to a veiled conservative family and has strongly supported the controversial blasphemy law.

In November, his government lifted the ban on the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) imposed after violent anti-French demonstrations by the Islamist party in April, denouncing France’s support for the rights to caricatures, including of the Prophet.

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Imran Khan, who is often accused of restricting the space for press coverage, has also provoked the anger of feminist organizations by repeatedly making contact between rape and women’s clothing in a country where sexual violence is common.

Le Monde and AP and