In southern Ukraine, the Russian occupation administration in the Kherson region admitted on Friday, August 18, that a Ukrainian commando had crossed the Dnieper River, leading the sector, and temporarily occupied positions. “Some groups of saboteurs managed to hide near the area” Vladimir Zalto, a local Russian official in Moscow-controlled Kosachi Laheri on the left bank of the Dnieper, told the Das news agency. He says the area is now there “Totally clean” of Ukrainian soldiers. Follow our life.
>> “The whole system is broken!” : In Ukraine, a tough fight against corruption
Ukrainian drone destroyed in Moscow “The drone body fell in the area of the exhibition center, and there was no significant damage to the building.”, capital city mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced. According to the elected official, no casualties have been identified at this point. Attacked and targeted by Kyiv “Places located in Moscow and the region”, According to the Russian Ministry of Defense.
According to Moscow, a drone targeted the Russian navy in the Black Sea. In parallel with this drone strike in Moscow, Russia also claims that a Ukrainian attack using a naval drone against the Russian Navy in the Black Sea failed. “Unmanned enemy boat destroyed by fire” The same evidence confirms that the Russian warship did not reach its destination.
Cargo from Odessa arrived in Turkey. The first cargo from Odessa (Ukraine) arrived on Thursday evening in Istanbul (Turkey) through a new sea route on Wednesday. It’s a challenge for Russia, which has threatened to attack such vessels since a Ukrainian grain export deal ended in July.
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