December 26, 2024

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The car, which has been parked in one place in Italy for 47 years, is becoming a tourist destination

The car of an Italian retiree who has been parked in the same place for forty-seven years in the town of Connegliano in northern Italy has become a local interest. I had to change it a few weeks ago.

The 1970 Lancia Fulvia is now owned by Angelo Freecoland, a 94-year-old former businessman, according to the Italian newspaper. The Cassette. In 1974 he parked his car at the last Rs Zamboni, in front of the newspaper stand he had with his wife on the ground floor of his house. Used as a storage space by traders, it has not moved out of its place for almost half a century. After his retirement, Angelo Freecoland was unable to move the vehicle.

Over the years, this suction cup car has become a true symbol of the city of Gonegliano. Tourists passing by it come to photograph it, and its location is even mentioned Google Maps.

Changed for road works

But the beautiful story must have ended when the car was moved by a tow truck on October 20, as road works were about to take place. Angelo Freecolend agreed to one condition: his lancia “should not be treated like a wreck”.

It is true that the vehicle withstood the ravages of time. So its journey is an opportunity to give it a second life. Local entrepreneurs will recover it before it is on display in the city. “I will be glad to see it displayed in a worthy way,” Angelo Freecoland told the Italian press.