July 8, 2024

Ferrum College : Iron Blade Online

Complete Canadian News World

“If Western governments truly support a two-state solution, sanctions should be imposed on the Israeli government.”

“If Western governments truly support a two-state solution, sanctions should be imposed on the Israeli government.”

uCould a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine still see the light of day, and under what circumstances would it be feasible? The first word of hope: In Israel, as in Palestine, there are numerous civil movements for peace that defend peaceful and democratic solutions with conviction and imagination. These groups are unfortunately in the minority, and without powerful external support they have little chance of succeeding.

To break the deadlock, between the EU and the US, which absorb almost 70% of Israeli exports, it is time to align their actions with their words. If Western governments truly support a two-state solution, sanctions should be imposed on the Israeli government, which is openly trampling on any peaceful prospect by continuing to colonize and oppress and oppose the recognition of a Palestinian state.

Also Read | Article reserved for our subscribers Joe Biden has announced that he will stop supplying Israel with offensive weapons in the event of a massive military intervention in Rafah.

Certainly, military aid must be stopped, and above all the US and Europe must attack Netanyahu and his allies. It involves the implementation of commercial and financial sanctions, gradually reaching deceptive levels. The university boycott mentioned in universities may not be sufficient and may even prove counterproductive: it is often on campuses that the main enemies of the Israeli right are to be found, in many cases happy to weaken and cut them off from the outside. Along with economic sanctions against Israel, Europe and the United States must enforce unfettered sanctions against Hamas and its external supporters, and decisively strengthen representative and democratic Palestinian institutions.

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This significant external engagement is essential to bring together Western countries and a coalition of Southern countries, as a two-state solution cannot be achieved without a strong confederation structure – a form of Israeli union, similar to the European Union for European countries – that includes both states and guarantees a certain number of fundamental rights. makes it possible. The two territories and people are indeed deeply entangled due to the scale of Jewish settlement in the West Bank, the importance of Palestinian workers carrying out their activities in Israel and maintaining family ties with Israeli Arabs. Palestinian Territories.

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