July 5, 2024

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During a new African tour, Lavrov disparages “Western countries” that want to impose “its democratic system”.

During a new African tour, Lavrov disparages “Western countries” that want to impose “its democratic system”.

After stops in Guinea and then in Congo-Brazzaville, the Russian foreign minister is due to visit Chad, another country near France.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has started a new African tour. Guinea welcomed the head of Russian diplomacy on Monday, marking the latter’s first visit to Conakry since 2013. On the agenda of the discussions, military cooperation between the two countries, Sergei Lavrov pointed out at a press conference.

The latter was received at the international airport by his Guinean counterpart, Morisada Gouyaade, with whom he held a closed-door discussion. He then met with the military junta leader Mamati Doumbouya, who came to power after a coup in 2021. “We have not forgotten military-technical cooperation and the strengthening of Guinea’s security capabilities, especially taking into account the growing terrorist threat”Sergei Lavrov was quoted by the Interfax agency as saying.

According to a video posted on the Russian ministry’s website, Sergey Lavrov issued a statement congratulating the West African nation and its leader. “At the forefront of the colonization process”. He discussed economic cooperation, particularly through geological exploration and investment by the Roussel Company. “Largest Russian investment in Guinea”. He spoke about the social programs of Russian aluminum companies, noting that it provides employment “thousands of people” Despite its vast natural and mineral resources in this poor country.

“NATO and its Members”

The Russian diplomatic chief traveled to the Congo on Tuesday, where he lashed out “West” And it is considered “Targets”In Ukraine and Libya. “We support the initiative of President Deniz Sasso Nussou aimed at organizing a conference between the Libyan states”The head of Russian diplomacy told the press after meeting with the Congolese leader, the head of the African Union’s High Level Committee on Libya, in his stronghold of Oyo (centre).

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Since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Libya, beset by divisions, has been ruled by two competing administrations: one in Tripoli (west) headed by Abdelhamid Dibeba, recognized by the UN, and the other in the east, simulated by parliament. Moscow maintains close ties with Khalifa Haftar’s camp. “What happened in Libya is a tragedy, its authors are NATO and its members”Sergey Lavrov said. “The same thing happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the West wanted to impose its democratic system.”He continued. “The most important thing today is to find an approach that will ensure the country’s recovery.”he added.

On the issue of Ukraine, “President Sasso Shows Understanding”Especially regarding “Our Actions”Russian Minister announced. He understood very well that Ukraine was a tool of the West, whose aim was to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.He estimated.

French instructors, a “legitimate” target

According to Sergey Lavrov, Denis Sasso Nuzzo, “Like other world leaders”It is believed that a conference on Ukraine was planned for mid-June in Switzerland. “Without an Explanation” Without Russia’s participation.

The Kremlin also indicated in Moscow on Tuesday morning that Russia has not ruled out French instructors striking in Ukraine. “Whatever their status: soldiers or mercenaries of the French army, they represent a perfectly legitimate target for our armed forces”Supported Sergey Lavrov in Oyo.

For years, Russia has waged a diplomatic offensive to replace traditional Western powers in Africa. Isolated on the international stage after the attack on Ukraine in February 2022, it increased its efforts tenfold in seeking allies. After Congo, according to his entourage, Sergey Lavrov should go to Chad.

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