July 27, 2024

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Northern California: After destroying the city of Greenville, the “Dixie” fire continues

Northern California: After destroying the city of Greenville, the “Dixie” fire continues

From Wednesday 4th August to Thursday 5th Thursday a large fire named “Dixie Fire” burned the area of ​​Greenville (Northern California). The fire continues to spread dangerously.

Locals ordered 800 residents to leave the city before the blaze engulfed them.If you stay, head out to the East immediately!The Blooms County Sheriff’s Office tweeted and spoke to residents in the Greenville and Chester communities. On Thursday, August 5, photographer Stuart Palle noticed the damage with photos.Much of the city of Greenville has been completely destroyed. My heart is broken for this beautiful little town“.

In all, more than 2,000 California people have been called to leave. “ImmediatelyTheir home as the flames approached on Wednesday afternoon.

This Friday, August 5, the fire continues to spread. “Propane and ammunition tanks exploded, power lines were cut, and toxic smoke was coming from vehicles. I would say most of the villages were destroyed. “, Stuart Palle, points out the danger of the situation.

I would say that most of the city in Greenville is completely destroyed. I see him standing on the main stump. One dollar public. My heart is broken for this beautiful little town. # Fire Fire pic.twitter.com/G8kVMZdanF

– Stuart Palley (stuartpalley) August 5, 2021

The fire has been devastating Northern California for more than 3 weeks, with severe heat, annoying drought and persistent winds. “Dixie fire“It devastated more than 110,000 hectares. By the end of July, the number of hectares burned in California had increased by 250% since 2020, the worst year for a fire in recent history, the state underscores. France Information.

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