January 7, 2025

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The ICRC is “deeply concerned” by the situation in Baghmoud and areas near the front

The ICRC is “deeply concerned” by the situation in Baghmoud and areas near the front

Delivering depleted uranium bombs would result in a “severe” escalation of the conflict.

London has supplied Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions recently mentioned by a British official. “Seriously Bad” The Russian diplomatic chief warned on Wednesday about the conflict. “It’s a step toward further deterioration, serious deterioration.” On the conflict, Sergey Lavrov, during a press conference in Sochi, in the south of Russia, mentioned in particular the effects on people’s health and the risk of soil contamination.

On Monday, British Deputy Defense Secretary Annabelle Goldie said the UK intends to supply shells to Ukraine. “contains low uranium”. “These munitions are very effective in destroying modern tanks and armored vehicles”He pointed out that these bombs will be used with the Challenger tanks that London also intends to supply.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday “Russia will be forced to retaliate” Without providing details, whether such a delivery took place. Mr Lavrov said on Wednesday that the use of such bombs could have serious health consequences, citing the example of wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s where such munitions were used. “Everyone remembers how tens of thousands of civilians and those who used these explosives suffered during the conflict in Yugoslavia. (…) Cancers are on the rise, soil is polluted”He declared.

“The use of depleted uranium munitions would greatly reduce or destroy Ukraine’s ability to produce uncontaminated food.”, the Russian minister added. The British Organization for Nuclear Disarmament also condemned the distribution of munitions containing depleted uranium on Tuesday. “Additional environmental and health disaster for those living at the center of the conflict”.

Depleted uranium shells are armor-piercing munitions and have been criticized for the risks they pose to the health of soldiers who use them and to the health of people living in targeted areas. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), depleted uranium is a “Heavy Metals, Chemical and Radiological Pollutants”. Depleted uranium munitions were cited as one of the possible causes “Gulf Syndrome”In 1991, health problems among Gulf War veterans, but this has not been scientifically proven.