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The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of Palestinian annexation, blocked by a US veto

The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of Palestinian annexation, blocked by a US veto

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on Friday, May 10, to support the Palestinians’ request for membership in the organization. However, the resolution is already symbolic due to the US veto issued in the Security Council on April 18. A resolution that the Palestinians hope to have “must be allowed on the system” and giving them some additional rights as observers, received 143 votes in favor and nine votes against (Argentina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea and USA) and 25 did not vote. The Palestinians already have “non-member observer state” status, but because of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, the admission process has been restarted.

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The UN chief warned that the attack on Rafah would cause an “enormous humanitarian catastrophe”. “We are actively engaging with all relevant parties to reopen the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings with essential supplies – including much-needed fuel.”Antonio Guterres, during a visit to Nairobi (Kenya), said that famine is rampant in the enclave.

Four Israeli soldiers were killed by the bomb. The Israeli army announced that four of its soldiers had been killed “Explosive Device” In Gaza City, “Near a School in Jaitown District”. It noted in a press release that there were two soldiers, including an officer “fatally wounded” by explosion.

About 110,000 people have fled Rafah to less dangerous areas. The city is threatened with a large-scale attack by the Israeli army, which has called for the evacuation of civilians. About 30,000 people leave the city every day.The head of the UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs in Gaza (OCHA) announced. “Most of these people have already had to travel five or six times” Since the start of the war.

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There is no agreement between Hamas and Israel. Hamas and Israeli representatives walked out of talks in Cairo, Egypt, on Thursday evening, May 9, after two days of fruitless discussions. Israel “We rejected the proposal submitted by the arbitrators, which we accepted. As a result, the ball is now entirely in the court of occupation.”Hamas says.