Several Ukrainian select officials have noted that the Russian military uses white phosphorus bombs, which are weapons that cause the most serious injuries to the skin. What do we know about these firearms that are only allowed to be used within a specific configuration?
Is the Russian military using white phosphorus? This is what many Ukrainian elected officials, including Irfin Mayor Oleksandr Marcosin, say he has proof of. “On the evening of March 22, the Russian occupiers used banned phosphorus ammunition in the northwestern suburbs of Q,” he said in his account. Telegraph, Publishes pictures of these attacks. Photos where we can see a black sky dotted with glowing white lines, formed by white phosphorus when it burns.
Ukrainian elected officials fear the attacks could target civilians, in violation of international law. In 1983, UN. Classified its use as a war crime and banned its attack. Considered to be firearms, these bombs are used to illuminate the battlefield at midnight or to act as smoke bombs and to limit the enemy’s view.
Severe heat and chemical burns
Only when the amount of white phosphorus used is high does its use become problematic. Phosphorus burns when in contact with air and can reach temperatures of 1300 degrees. White phosphorus bombs are used to destroy, kill or seriously injure. “The use of such weapons by civilian forces against civilians is a crime against humanity,” said Irfin Meyer.
Already used by the Russians or the Americans in Iraq during the war in Chechnya, these weapons can cause severe heat and chemical burns to the skin and reach the bones, as well as cause a sharp drop in calcium levels in humans. An event that can lead to death or respiratory problems. White phosphorus falls into the category of firearms, not chemical weapons, which are strictly prohibited by international conventions.
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Human Rights Watch recalls that “firearms are one of the most deadly weapons used in today’s armed conflict,” especially when there is no civilian presence in the area. According to Ukrainian elected officials, it is a legal application structure that is not respected by the Russian military.
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