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Canada’s House of Commons revolted after Trudeau accused a Jewish parliamentarian of supporting the swastika

Canada’s House of Commons revolted after Trudeau accused a Jewish parliamentarian of supporting the swastika

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the Canadian The House of Commons erupted in outcry on Wednesday after the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau He responded to a Jewish member of Parliament accusing members of the opposition Conservative Party of “standing with the people who wave the swastikas.”

Trudeau, a Liberal Party member, made the comment in response to his questioning by Conservative MP Melissa Lantzman during a tense and emotional questioning period, speaking every day sitting in the Canadian House of Commons when MPs pose questions to government ministers, including the prime minister.

Lantzmann, who became the first Jewish woman elected to the Conservative Party last October, read a 2015 quote from Trudeau when he said, “If Canadians are going to trust their government, their government needs to trust Canadians.”

Lantzmann compared such sentiments with Trudeau’s description of Freedom Caravan members as “often misogynists, racists, misogynists, science deniers, and fringes.” Accusing him of fanning the “fires of an unjustified national emergency,” Lantzmann demanded to know “when did the prime minister stray?”

Representative Melissa Lantzman wins her Thornhill ride for the Conservative Party in Thornhill, Ontario, on September 21, 2021.
(Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

“Conservatives can stand with people waving the swastika, and they can stand with people waving the Confederate flag,” Trudeau said in response. “We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to access their jobs, and be able to get their lives back. These illegal protests must stop, and they will.”

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The other side of the room erupted in response, prompting House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rutte to boycott in an effort to restore order. He also urged everyone – “including the Right Honorable Prime Minister” – to avoid “inflammatory” language in the House of Representatives.

Subsequently, Representative Dan Lloyd reprimanded Trudeau for his comment, saying, “Mr Speaker, I have never seen such shameful and disgraceful statements by this Prime Minister. My great-grandfather has flown more than 30 missions over Nazi Germany. Great Uncle’s body is located in The bottom of the English Channel, there are members of this conservative grouping who are descendants of the victims of the Holocaust.

“The prime minister’s accusation of any colleague in this house of standing with a swastika is shameful. I am giving the prime minister a chance. I invite him to apologize unreservedly for this shameful statement,” he added.

Trudeau ignored Lloyd’s request for an apology three times, which Lloyd said was “a lot of talk”.

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Lantzmann later made a point of order demanding Trudeau a personal apology.

She said, “I am a strong Jewish woman and a member of this council and a descendant of a Holocaust survivor and…” except today, when the Prime Minister accused me of standing with the swastika. I think he owes me an apology. I would like to apologize and I think he owes an apology to all members of this council.”

Lantzmann’s point of order was met with applause, by which time Trudeau had already left the room.

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The back-and-forth tension in the Canadian parliament’s lower chamber came as Trudeau faces heavy criticism for invoking emergency legislation to quell trucker roadblocks and the Ottawa protests, which have lasted for 20 days. Trudeau has repeatedly described demonstrations against vaccine mandates as illegal.