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Dictoc Star Crane operator Xiao Qumi fell from 43 meters and died live

Dictoc Star Crane operator Xiao Qumi fell from 43 meters and died live

Xiao Qimi, a well-known Chinese industry influencer and crane operator in Diktok, died on July 20 while filming himself with his crane in Kusho. She is 23 years old.

This crane operator regularly shares videos on Dictok. More than 100,000 people attended.

In her latest video, the young woman was filming what appears to be a crane cabin when the camera rotates and falls 43 meters. A scream could be heard in these pictures.

According to the witnesses of the play, this influence was holding her phone in her hand when she fell.

His death has been confirmed by his family. However, he denies that Xiao Qiumi filmed himself from his workplace, explaining that he was “very professional and always had his phone in his pocket when he was working”. According to his relatives, the young influencer would have died “following the disappearance of a walker” at the end of his work day.

On July 10, 32-year-old Chinese influencer Sofia Cheung fell from a cliff and died while taking a selfie on Instagram next to a waterfall.

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