December 28, 2024

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In Martinique, police and firefighters were targeted by gunfire

The Castle-de-France prosecutor’s office began an investigation on Tuesday, November 23, following the shooting of police and firefighters Monday evening in the Sainte district.

If these attacks do not cause any injuries, “The Ford-de-France State Attorney’s Office confirms that there was a shooting targeting security forces in Ford-de-France on the night of November 22-23, 2021.”, Clarice Daron, Attorney General, states in a statement. “Procedure for attempted murder of public figures has been opened and investigations have been handed over to the Judicial Police.”, Refers to the barquet floor.

“Events at night do not come to Intercindical because Intercindigale has stopped all its operations and everyone went home at 7pm last night. [lundi soir], The Secretary-General of the CSTM, Agence France-Presse (AFP) explained to Bertrand Campus about the origins of the social movement that had rocked Martinique for two days.

Prohibited roads

Major roadblocks blocked the island’s main roads on Tuesday, as they had the day before. They were set up at the call of the union of seventeen organizations on Tuesday morning, which called for a general strike for various demands, including the end of vaccination duty and suspensions for caregivers, but also a rise in wages and a social minimum. And falling fuel and gas prices.

Access to the integration of Fort-de-France in the center of the island is impossible from the south and north. Trucks, taxis, but boards and tires are placed at strategic points. The AFP reporter noted that public transport networks were completely paralyzed on Tuesday, but that nursing staff and police were able to bypass everything and overcome some roadblocks.

The ban forced more than half of the schools to close. “Schools are being hit hard by the community movement of municipal agents. High schools are suffering from roadblocks, Martinique rectorat mentions in a press release. By noon, 52% of elementary schools and 61% of secondary schools were closed.

Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers The fourth wave of Govt-19 plunges Martinique into mourning

“We tell the politicians to respect us, Eric Bellemer, general secretary of Force Ouvrière Martinique, launched on RCI radio station on Tuesday morning. The Prime Minister announced that it was necessary to open the space for talks, but his local representative did not have to receive the message. ” At the end of the first day of the demonstration, the strikers were angry that Martinique had not been received by the editor-in-chief on Monday.

Violence continues in neighboring Guadeloupe, Has been plagued by social controversy over the obligation to vaccinate against Govt-19. Foreign ministers Sebastien Leghorn and Interior Minister Gerald Dormann said Tuesday morning that the Gentorms had also received real bullets. Restoration of public order in Guadeloupe “Before any discussion”, Warns M. Thurman.

Read our report: The article is reserved for our subscribers In Guadeloupe, social conflict at stake after caregivers maintain vaccination duty

World with AFP