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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured a rare image of the birth of a sun-like star

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured a rare image of the birth of a sun-like star

NASA‘s James Webb Space Telescope It has revealed a captivating picture of Herbig Harrow 211 (HH 211), offers insight into the mysterious world of newborn stars.
A new image taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals an outflow from A Initial star of class 0, a young star similar to our Sun when it was a few tens of thousands of years old and whose mass is only 8% of its current mass. The NASA statement said that it will eventually grow into a star like the Sun.
the Child star The gas is blown from both sides, creating a jet of gas that hits nearby dust and gas at high speeds. This causes the dust and gas to heat up and glow in different colors. These bright regions are called Herbig-Haro objects, and are very useful for studying young stars and their jets.
Herbig-Haro objects are interesting regions in space where high-speed material interacts with their surroundings, giving rise to bright regions of ionized gas. In the case of HH 211, these emissions originate from molecules such as carbon monoxide, silicon monoxide and molecular hydrogen.
The image shows many beautiful shapes made by the jets, dust and gas, such as arches and arches. These are called bow shocks, and they show how fast and strong the plane is. The image also shows that the plane is not straight, but curves like a snake. This could mean that the small star is actually two stars orbiting each other very quickly. The plane follows their movement and vibrates on both sides.
The James Webb Space Telescope can see things that other telescopes cannot, because it uses infrared light. Infrared light is a type of light that we can’t see with our eyes, but it can pass through the dust and gas hiding the young star and its jets. The James Webb Space Telescope has special cameras that can capture infrared light and convert it into colors that we can see.
The Webb telescope’s impressive infrared resolution provides a clearer view of HH 211, overcoming the typical blurring caused by gas and dust encountered by other telescopes.
However, this celestial entity still holds mysteries, including the possibility of an unresolved binary star at its core, which is characterized by a protostar. More observations are expected to reveal the essence of this celestial wonder.