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North Korea will send troops to Ukraine to help … Russia!

North Korea will send troops to Ukraine to help … Russia!

This is an article Kyiv post here Someone who talks about it very authoritatively. If NATO sends ground troops, Russia’s allies will do the same. This is how, little by little, the conflict becomes internationalized.

Pyongyang has announced that it will send troops to Ukraine within a month

A defense pact signed between Russia and North Korea on June 19 pledged to provide each other with military assistance — days after Pyongyang announced it was sending troops to Ukraine.

Last week, President Vladimir Putin paid an official state visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) – North Korea, his first in nearly a quarter century. As part of the trip, Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a so-called defense pact in the North Korean capital on June 19.

The Military Agreement states: “If either party is reduced to a state of war by an armed invasion from a single country or several states, the other party shall render military and other assistance by all means at its disposal.” without delay.”

In response, Pyongyang announced earlier this week that it would send troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces in the Donetsk region. The troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield early next month.

Since the two leaders met in Russia in September, the DPRK has already provided nearly two million rounds of artillery ammunition, rockets for several of Russia’s ballistic missile systems and ballistic missiles to support Putin’s forces. The active participation of North Korean combat troops raises fears of an escalation of the conflict.

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Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said at a June 25 press conference that North Korean troops were indeed being sent to slaughter and questioned the wisdom of the deployment. He said: “If I were responsible for North Korean military personnel, I would question my options to send my forces as cannon fodder in an illegal war against Ukraine – we’ve seen the losses Russian forces have suffered.”

He added that the US is eyeing deepening military ties between the two countries.

Ilya Ponomarev, a former Russian MP, told Britain’s Daily Express that North Korea has become an important bridge between the Kremlin and China. Beijing can indirectly transfer military equipment to Moscow via Pyongyang without falling under Western sanctions.

As he explained: “North Korea is one of Russia’s key partners, and the reason it has become such a partner is because it acts as a bridge between China and Russia.

“Essentially, all the military equipment supplied by North Korea was made by the Chinese for the North Koreans.

“China is cautious and does not want to fall under secondary sanctions imposed by the US, but North Korea is not in danger.

“So the Chinese have no problem helping the North Koreans, and the North Koreans will trade with Russia and benefit economically and militarily. »

A day after Putin and Kim signed the defense pact, US National Security Council member Michael Carpenter said the alliance Putin was building between Russia, North Korea, Iran and Syria was at odds with the 50-nation group. One hundred countries that supported Ukraine and the principles of the United Nations Charter within the “Rammstein” Security Liaison Group at the World Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16.

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Charles Channott

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