December 29, 2024

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This “decisive strategic move” is what Putin and his military are preparing for 2023.

This “decisive strategic move” is what Putin and his military are preparing for 2023.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (here Friday January 13) is working out the details of Russia’s new strategy, according to Andrei Illarionov, a former adviser to Vladimir Putin. via SPUTNIK/REUTERS

Analysis – Vladimir Putin’s former adviser Andrey Illarionov has announced that Russia is studying a plan to surprise Ukrainians and Westerners.

In a YouTube interview, Andrei Illarionov, a former adviser to Vladimir Putin, warned Sunday about “”The Great WarWhat is the Kremlin leader preparing for 2023? Ukraine.

Noting that he has serious information channels, Illarionov, who lives in Washington, says that Russian power has learned from the disastrous setback of 2022 and is preparing for a much bigger war.

He insists that Russia can surprise the Ukrainians and Westerners by striking especially from the northeast, namely through Belarus, along supply lines and railway lines that, on the main route, connect the western city of Lviv. Ukraine, on the border of Europe.

Move up a gear

From September 17, the date of notification of mobilization, and “Especially since December 15, Putin and public servants have been working around the clockTo hammer out the details of Russia’s new strategy, says Illarionov. The…

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