“Truck traffic resumes: Polish farmers complete blockade in front of Medica checkpoint”. (South), Ukrainian border guards announced in a statement on Telegram. preventing “Done at 9:30am.” And “Registration and transit of trucks entering Ukraine is carried out as usual”.
Polish truck drivers, condemned “Unfair Competition” Their Ukrainian counterparts have been blocking the border between the two countries since early November, forming endless lines.
On Friday, Radoslaw Sikorski, the new head of Polish diplomacy, met in Kiev with Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov and his Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The relationship between the two neighboring countries is strained. “We must find a solution”Mr. Guleba stressed to journalists, assessing the situation “unacceptable”Mr. Kubrakov told him “I hope to find a common ground this week.”.
New Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has promised to address disgruntled carriers in his country.
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