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WHO says moving patients from Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital is ‘mission impossible’

WHO says moving patients from Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital is ‘mission impossible’

Cover Image: Smoke rises as Palestinians take shelter at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on November 8, 2023. STRINGER/REUTERS

  • The Israeli army has announced that it has taken control of Hamas in Gaza. Army spokesman Daniel Hagari X said Tuesday (Ex-Twitter) Israeli soldiers have taken control of parliament, the seat of government, Hamas police headquarters and an engineering school campus. “Used for manufacture and development of weapons”.
  • The Israeli military has confirmed the death of soldier Noah Marciano, who was kidnapped by Hamas. A 19-year-old soldier held hostage by Hamas in Gaza comes days after the Islamic movement released his photo. “Killed in a bomb attack” Israeli.
  • Images of the October 7 attack on the National Assembly. Israel claims to have collected hundreds of hours of footage of these attacks. According to Israeli diplomacy, the film was edited using clips from the body cameras and cellphones of hundreds of Palestinian fighters from the Islamist movement killed or captured from Hamas social media, as well as the phones of victims and rescuers. .
  • Joe Biden asked Israel on Monday “protect” The main hospital in GazaFighting is going on between the Israeli army and Hamas fighters near it. “I hope and expect less invasive procedures [aux abords] Hospital’s “ Al-Shifa, the US president said. “Trying to get people out, get as many people out as possible” Outside the hospital premisesMonday through Tuesday night, an Israeli military spokesman, Peter Lerner, said.
  • Five Palestinians – men between the ages of 21 and 29 – were killed during clashes with Israeli forces in the Tulkarem area of ​​the occupied West Bank.Amin Khader, director of the local hospital where the deaths were reported, told Agence France-Presse on Tuesday morning.
  • Hamas “Out of Control in Gaza”, and his warriors “Flee South” of the territory, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Monday.
  • Hamas’s military wing blamed Israel on Monday “regressive” In discussions regarding the release of hostages In exchange for Palestinian women and children imprisoned by the Jewish state. The Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades also demanded a five-day ceasefire to free hostages.
  • The Israeli military said in a telegram on Monday evening that it had “clue” It shows Hamas militants holding hostages at a Gaza children’s hospital. She also found out “Hamas infrastructure on the ground” From Randisi Hospital.
  • Since the start of the conflict, 11,240 people were killed in the bombings in the Gaza Strip, Hamas-run Gaza’s health ministry said Monday. Hamas attacked About 1,200 people died on the Israeli sideAccording to official Israeli statistics, mostly civilians were killed on October 7.
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Read all our articles on the war between Israel and Hamas

facts. Arab and Muslim countries are united in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza

Encryption. In Israel, tensions run through the War Cabinet, which directs military operations in Gaza

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editorial. Periodic ceasefires in Gaza are not enough

Reporting. In Gaza, with Israeli army: “Search for Hamas mines and destroy them”

Encryption. The Gulf states are trying to recover from a head-to-head confrontation between Iran and the United States

Verification. Photojournalists “cooperate” with Hamas on October 7: Israeli accusations, harsh but baseless

Reporting. Saturated UN in Gaza In shelters, the displaced lack everything

Tribune. If Hamas and ISIS share this extreme brutality in their modus operandi, there are differences in the way they release it.”

Encryption. The war in Gaza gives the Yemeni Houthis an opportunity to influence the entire region

Interview. Cyprus President Nicos Christodoulides: “We are ready to establish a sea route to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza”

Tribune. “How can we resolve the tragedies inherited from the 20th century without preventing us from responding to them in the 21st century?”

Encryption. Israel-Hamas Conflict: Fever Spreads on Canadian Campuses

Analysis. A poignant reflection on Gaza’s future

Internet. Humanitarian disaster in Gaza: How far will the war go?

editorial. Refuse to trivialize anti-Semitism

Reporting. In Israel, psychotherapists are the bedside of traumatized people

narrative. A look back at the hell of October 7, the Hamas attack in Israel

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Encryption. Gaza death toll, political controversy