July 27, 2024

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Will Cuban vaccines against Govt-19 be available in the West Indies soon?  –

Will Cuban vaccines against Govt-19 be available in the West Indies soon? –

The vaccination campaign in Cuba is accelerating. From now on, two formulas are administered to people. The government plans to complete the campaign by the end of this year.

A new vaccine has been approved by the Cuban health authorities, Soperana-2. It has been administered in three doses similar to the Aptala vaccine used since June 2021. Both vaccines were developed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, known as the Finley Institute.

Like most vaccines, Soperana and Abdala are reduced or reduced antiviral vaccines. Traditionally, they have been linked to a series of laboratory-harmless Govit-19 viruses. This is different from vaccines with messenger RNA.

Cuban Vaccine Aptala.

Gen Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Four countries with different political regimes have already ordered the Abdalla vaccine: Iran, Vietnam, Argentina and Venezuela. It is manufactured under license in that country. Officials in Havana say they are in talks with several governments to export the quantity around the world.

92% effective vaccine

According to its promoters at the Finlay Institute, Abdala is 92% efficient. This first vaccine against the corona virus, designed and manufactured in Latin America, will soon be available in some Caribbean countries. It remains to be seen whether this will be the case in Guadeloupe and Martinique as well. Its design is reassuring to those who are afraid of messenger RNA vaccines.

Health cooperation with Cuba is already a definite fact, the work carried out by 15 doctors from this country for more than three months in Martinique. An action requested by CHUM and the Saint-Paul Clinic, verified by the Regional Health Agency and supported by Martinique’s regional partnership.

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However, the purchase of vaccines from Cuba raises the reluctance of our health officials and our political institutions. Given that the vaccination strategy is the responsibility of the state, it would be surprising if the Minister of Health and the CDM came forward to import the Soperana-2 and Abdala vaccines.