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Abbas holds US “responsible for bloodshed” after their veto at UN

Abbas holds US “responsible for bloodshed” after their veto at UN

The new death toll was 17,700, the Hamas health ministry announced

The Hamas health ministry announced on Saturday that 17,700 people were killed and 48,780 wounded in Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip during the two-month war between the Palestinian Islamic movement and Israel.

The Hamas government, which has controlled Gaza since 2007, estimates the actual number of dead and wounded to be much higher, with Palestinian rescue services and foreign NGOs unable to access all of the bombed areas. The victims could not be freed from the rubble.

A “solidarity with the people of Gaza” demonstration in Paris

“We support civilians, not Hamas”: Demonstrators marched in Paris Saturday afternoon to express their “solidarity with the people of Gaza” and demand an end to the bombing of Palestinian territory by the Israeli army.

Demonstration in support of the Palestinian people, December 9, 2023 in Paris © Dimitar Dilkoff © 2019 AFP

As more than a thousand people braved the rain as they marched from the Republic to the nation, chants such as “Stop the bombings immediately” and “Israel is killing Palestinian children” were chanted.

UNICEF says nearly a million children have been forcibly “displaced” in Gaza

“Nearly a million children have been forced from their homes. They are now forced further and further south into small, overcrowded areas with no water, food or shelter, and are at increased risk of respiratory infections and water-borne diseases. Their lives are also threatened by dehydration, malnutrition and disease. UNICEF said in a statement.

“The Gaza Strip is one of the most dangerous places in the world for a child. Scores of children are killed or injured every day. All the neighborhoods where children played and went to school have been turned into lifeless piles of rubble,” the UN body assures.

Israeli Foreign Minister Says Ceasefire Will ‘Prevent Collapse’ of Hamas

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said the cease-fire would prevent the collapse of the Hamas terrorist organization.

“Operations continue in the Gaza Strip,” the Israeli military reiterated on Saturday, adding that “the main forces continue to fight in different locations.”

Relatives of Israeli hostages confirm deaths after failed Gaza attack

An Israeli kidnapped during an October 7 attack was “murdered” by his captors in Gaza, his kibbutz and family association said today, after Palestinian Hamas said he died during a military attempt to rescue him.

“It is with great sadness and broken hearts that we announce the killing of Sahar Baruch (age 25),” the Hostage Families Forum and Kibbutz Be’eri announced in a statement.

The Israeli army on Friday acknowledged the failure of an operation aimed at freeing hostages, during which two soldiers were seriously injured.

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A draft resolution at the WHO, co-sponsored by Palestine, demands that Israel respect its humanitarian obligations.

A draft resolution submitted to the World Health Organization (WHO) by 17 member states and Palestine with special status yesterday, Friday December 8, demanded that Israel fully respect its protection obligations to medical and humanitarian workers in the Gaza Strip. Heavy shelling by the Israeli army.

The speech was delivered tomorrow, Sunday, December 10, during a special session of the WHO Executive Committee to discuss the “Health situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”.

US veto at UN: Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemns “Israeli Security Council”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today condemned the United Nations Security Council, saying it has become “Israel’s Security Council”, a day after the US vetoed a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“Since October 7, the Security Council has become an assembly for the safety and security of Israel,” the head of state condemned at the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

Mahmoud Abbas US responsible for ‘bloodshed’ in Gaza

In a statement, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared the US “responsible for the bloodshed” in the Gaza Strip, following a US veto of a draft resolution calling for a “humanitarian ceasefire” at the UN. Security Council.

Describing the US position as “immoral”, President Abbas said that “Washington is responsible for the bloodshed of Palestinian children, women and the elderly at the hands of Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip”. .

Why did England abstain from voting on the Armistice Resolution?

UN votes on draft resolution calling for “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza The UK ambassador to the Security Council abstained yesterday.

While Barbara Woodward called for other “longer” humanitarian pauses, she said she “couldn’t vote in favor of a resolution that deplores the atrocities committed by Hamas, calling for a cease-fire—” the fire literally ignores. Hamas engages in acts of terrorism and still holds civilians hostage,” it said feedback Reunion.

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Palestinians were killed in the West Bank

A Palestinian was killed today during an Israeli military attack in Daura, a West Bank Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967, the official Palestinian Wafa agency said.

Since October 7, more than 260 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces or settlers in the West Bank, according to a Palestinian Authority statement.

Criticism rains down after US vetoes call for ceasefire in Gaza

Many NGOs and the UN have criticized the US veto on Friday of a resolution calling for a “humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza.

“As the crisis in Gaza worsens and threatens to spread, the (Assembly) Charter has not accepted the fundamental task entrusted to it,” declared French Ambassador Nicolas de River.

Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Israel, Iran, Russia… We detail the reactions to this veto in this article.

At Khan Yunis Hospital, chaos

Fierce fighting continued Friday from north to south of the Gaza Strip, particularly in the southern city of Khan Yunis, where the Israeli army announced it was advancing “house by house” taking positions in the center. Identifying militants of the Islamic Movement.

In this city’s hospital, despite its limited resources, the injured keep coming in droves: some children are being treated on the floor because there are no beds.

Who are the four French people missing for 63 days or the hostages of Hamas?

In late November, three Franco-Israeli hostages, all minors, were released by Hamas. Two months after the October 7 attacks, four French nationals are still being held or missing by Hamas. We tell you about them in this article.

Iran warns of regional “explosion” after US veto

Iran warns of the “possibility” of an “uncontrollable explosion” in the Middle East if the US continues to support Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza.

“As long as the United States supports the continuation of the Zionist regime’s crimes and war… the situation in the region has the potential to explode uncontrollably,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdullahian said during a telephone conversation with the UN. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a ministry statement released today.

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The exchange came as the United States on Friday vetoed a Security Council resolution calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza.

Hamas ‘vehemently condemns’ US veto of cease-fire call

Hamas today “strongly condemns” the US veto, calling it an “immoral and inhumane situation” and a “direct participation” in “carnage”, according to Essad al-Rishq, the movement’s senior political official.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh accused the Security Council of “failing to pass a draft resolution aimed at ending the occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip due to the use of the US veto”. A “shame” and a “new license given to the occupying state to kill, destroy and displace”.

According to him, using the veto shows the “lie” of the United States, which claims to be concerned about the losses of its citizens.

France pleaded for the safety of civilians in Gaza and the opening of a new humanitarian crossing

President Emmanuel Macron spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday evening.

“The President reiterated the need to protect the citizens of Gaza and stressed the importance of achieving a lasting ceasefire. Until then, it is important that the citizens of Gaza receive the assistance they urgently need,” the palace said.

At this point, France supported the opening of a second access to Gaza for humanitarian purposes.

A “ceasefire” proposed to the United Nations was blocked by the United States

A resolution passed by the United Arab Emirates and supported by nearly 100 countries was blocked by a US veto on Friday evening. The proposal proposed an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip.

If the United States claims to be striving for a long-term peace, it thinks it would be unwise to end the fighting at this precise moment. The US envoy to the UN ruled that a cessation of hostilities would “sow the seeds of future war”.

The fighting between Israel and Hamas has been ongoing for the 63rd day

Hello everyone and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the war between Israel and Hamas after the October 7th attacks. Israel continues its offensive in Gaza as the conflict enters its 63rd day.