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Covid: Can the delta variance affect the global economic recovery?

Covid: Can the delta variance affect the global economic recovery?

Issued by Laurent P. July 11, 2021 at 3:31 p.m. Updated July 11, 2021 at 3:32 pm.

The G20 warned on Saturday, July 11 against the threat posed by Govt’s delta diversification, but also on “different rates of vaccination”.

The Variation Delta of Govt Can it undermine planned economic recovery plans by countries around the world? However, this is the fear expressed by many finance ministers on this occasion G20, Which took place on July 10, 2021 in Venice, refers to this recovery. “Exposed“For this strain of the virus and its rapid proliferation, but more”Different vaccine rates“In this world.

According to current ministers, the recession is getting worse G20, Both Vaccine It is low in some countries around the world, and access to vaccines is particularly different. “The only thing that threatens a strong and rapid recovery in the economy is a new wave of diversity and epidemics“, The Minister of Economy pointed out his role, Bruno Mayor.

StillEuropean union Rather optimistic: “This weekend, we delivered to member states enough vaccines to fully vaccinate at least 70% of adults this month. By tomorrow, about 500 million units will be distributed in all parts of Europe“, Was thus excited Ursula van der Leyen, President European Commission. To be continued: “Covit-19 has not yet been defeated. But we are ready to continue to provide vaccines – even against new varieties“.

Deliveries that do not prevent new restrictions in some countries are dealing an economic blow to some sectors. Thus, Catalonia has announced the closure again Discos, As in the Netherlands. One sector that has been particularly affected is the nightclubs that have been closed for more than a year. In France, although discotheques have reopened their doors, we are meticulously exploring its evolution. Variation Delta In the region, and there are fears that companies will close again, causing them irreversible economic damage.

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In Argentina and South Korea, the Variation Delta Governments were forced to take more drastic measures. In Malta, only vaccinated travelers are now allowed on the island, which affects the local economy, which is largely based on tourism. A break, therefore, can only be solved by vaccination.