July 27, 2024

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Crisis in Ukraine: Putin “certainly” does not want war, France “waits for action” … Update situation

Crisis in Ukraine: Putin “certainly” does not want war, France “waits for action” … Update situation

The situation on the Ukrainian issue between Russia and the West is even more tense. But, beyond the sensational announcements – Jean-Yves Le Drian rated this MondayAll “elements” of Russia’s “strong (military) offensive” were in place – the search for a diplomatic solution continues.

This Tuesday, the new German president, Olaf Scholes, flew to Moscow to pursue the company he had started several weeks earlier. Even before the meeting with Vladimir Putin, Russia announced the withdrawal of part of its troops. The German leader commented that diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict were “not exhausted”.

Russia announces start of withdrawal

As a sign of the beginning of the expansion, the Russian Defense Minister announced until Monday the end of some ongoing military maneuvers on the Russian-Ukrainian border and in Belarus. This Tuesday morning, the Russian government announced that a section of troops stationed near the border were actually returning to their garrisons.

“Sections of the southern and western military districts that have completed their missions have already begun to be loaded on rail and road transport and will begin returning to their garrisons today,” the door official said. – Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov quoted by Russian news agencies as confirming the information by the Kremlin a few hours later. “We have always said that after the exercises, (…) the troops will return to their original garrisons. That is what is happening there, this is a routine process,” Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Russian president, told reporters.

For its part, France is in the process of “confirming this information” and is therefore “on the alert”, commented Gabriel Attle during the exit of the Council of Ministers this Tuesday afternoon. But if this onset of withdrawal is proven, “this is a positive signal and a sign of intensification.” “The lyrics are great. We are waiting for action. If there is action, it will be even better, ”Jean-Yves Le Trian, the head of French diplomacy, began in the National Assembly.

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Comment not fully shared by Boris Johnson. The British prime minister has ruled that information received on Tuesday is “not yet encouraging” about the escalation. Especially “tactical teams of battalions approaching the border”. The announcement was made by German Foreign Minister Annalena Barbach, who said:

Diplomatic confidence

If the Pentagon spokesman John Kirby had assessed Monday that “military action could intervene at any time,” there is still hope that the debate will succeed. Speaking on the phone on Monday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Joe Biden said “diplomacy is an important opportunity”. On Tuesday, British Foreign Secretary Lis Truss said, “Vladimir Putin has time (…) to escape from the valley, but he has little time to do so.”

“There is always a chance,” said Sergei Lavrov, head of Russian diplomacyTelevision pictures in response to Vladimir Putin’s question. “Our possibilities are far from exhausted,” the minister continued, even proposing to “prolong and expand” the dialogue. On Tuesday, Sergei Lavrov spoke on the phone with Anthony Blingen. Meanwhile, President Emmanuel Macron meets with US President Joe Biden.

The hope of Ukraine

Russian announcements on Tuesday gave Ukraine confidence. On Tuesday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said, “Together with our allies, we have been able to prevent further spread from Russia.

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“Russia issues all kinds of statements at all times, which is why we have a rule: we believe we will intensify when we see the withdrawal of troops,” he said. At noon on Tuesday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg expressed his “cautious optimism” while noting that signs of expansion were still on the ground.

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Olaf Scholz in Moscow

The German president arrived in Moscow on Tuesday to meet with Vladimir Putin. He told a news conference that the aim of the ongoing diplomatic efforts to defuse the crisis around Ukraine was to “achieve a political understanding without anyone abandoning their policies in the process.” For his part, the Russian head of state wanted to make a promise. “Do we want (war) or not? Of course not. That is why we have put forward our proposals for talks, ”he assured reporters.

The day before, Olaf Scholes went to Kiev to meet Volodymyr Zhelensky. Like Emmanuel Macron before himWhen he arrived to negotiate with Vladimir Putin, he refused to submit to the anti-Russian Govt test.

Germany, Criticized by Westerners for being too lenient with Russia For economic reasons, the tone begins to harden. Prior to Olaf Scholz’s meeting with Vladimir Putin, German Foreign Minister Annalena Barbach urged Russia to “withdraw its forces” from the border. “The situation is very dangerous and could deteriorate at any time,” he said, adding that “we must seize every opportunity to negotiate a peaceful solution.”

Concerned request of the Russian Parliament

In parallel with the announcement of the withdrawal of some Russian troops and diplomatic talks, the Russian delegation on Tuesday issued a request that was against the country’s process. The Duma voted in full session on a speech calling on Vladimir Putin to recognize the independence of pro-Russian separatist territories in eastern Ukraine.

If this demand is accepted, it will mark the end of the peace process marked by the Minsk agreements signed under the Franco-German mediation, which will eventually grant Kiev control of these territories.

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According to a source in Élysée, Vladimir Putin assured Emmanuel Macron that he did not approve of this parliamentary initiative. But France remains vigilant in this matter. The European Union (EU) has strongly condemned the move.

Help from Europe soon

The EU may also bring in new financial aid to Ukraine. This Tuesday morning, the MEPs agreed on Tuesday to vote urgently New financial assistance A sum of 1. 1.2 billion was set aside as a 12-month loan in two installments. A spokesman for the European Parliament said a second referendum would be held in Strasbourg on Thursday to approve the proposal.

According to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the EU and its financial institutions have already raised “17 billion euros in subsidies and loans” for Ukraine since Moscow annexed Crimea in 2014.