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Fighting and shelling in Kharkiv;  The French Embassy leaves Kiev for Liv

Fighting and shelling in Kharkiv; The French Embassy leaves Kiev for Liv

The European Union (EU) has blacklisted new entities on its blacklist this evening and barred them from living in European territory because of their support for the Russian invasion.

Aside from his spokesman Dmitry Pesco, the list of 26 names includes many close to Vladimir Putin: businessmen, senior military officials and half a dozen journalists. The list was approved by member states and released on Monday Official newspaper Of the European Union. Vladimir Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov were already registered there on Friday.

The European Union (EU) on Monday approved Igor Setchine, chairman of the Rosneft Group, one of the world’s largest crude oil producers, and CEO of Transneft’s Nikolai Tokarev, another heavyweight in the oil and gas sector.

Also targeted are businessman Alisher Usmanov, a businessman close to the Russian president, bankers Peter Olegovich Aven and Michael Friedman, co-founder and founder of the Alpha Group, and Peter Fratkov, chairman of BromswiSbank.

Gennady Timchenko, the billionaire co – founder of commodity trading firm Kunvor, Alexei Mortashov, owner of the Chevrolet Steel Group, and Sergei Pavlovich Roldokin, owner of the Chevrolet Steel Group, have been approved by the European Union as close to President Putin.

Many pro-Kremlin journalists and TV presenters have been targeted, including author Evgeny Prylebin and Olga Skabeva, who co-hosted Russia’s most popular political talk show “60 Minutes” with her husband Evgeny Bobo.

Sanctions against oligarchy close to Vladimir Putin have been demanded by Alexei Navalny, a key Russian adversary who has been imprisoned since early August 2021 after being poisoned in August 2020.

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The first list, released just hours before the start of the invasion of Ukraine, allowed 23 people, including the defense minister and Russian military leaders, the head of the Kremlin administration, the boss of RT TV and a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry. Issues for their involvement in the recognition of separatist areas of Ukraine.

The list also includes three banks, a company and 351 members of the Duma, who voted for Russia’s recognition of the independence of separatist territories in eastern Ukraine.

The complete list, released Monday, includes 26 individuals and one company, gas-based insurance company Sokas. This is allowed for ensuring the creation of infrastructure “Integration” Moscow illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine.