July 27, 2024

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Direct war in Ukraine: Russia bans flights from 36 countries, including France

Direct war in Ukraine: Russia bans flights from 36 countries, including France


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The IOC recommends to international federations not to invite Russian and Belarusian athletes


Washington is urging its citizens to leave Russia “immediately”

The US State Department is advising US citizens to leave Russia “immediately”.


Former Olympic champion Bowetkin is ready to “fight Nazism” in Russian colors

His message is astonishing because it replaces other messages of athletes in conflict. Former Russian boxer Alexander Bowetkin expressed his support for Russia in an Instagram post released on Monday. Alexander Bowetkin, the 2004 Olympic boxing champion in Athens, justifies his stance in support of the war in Ukraine, according to which Vladimir Putin portrayed the need to “fight against Nazism.” He, following his release, kept his Instagram account private.


Switzerland next to the European Union

Switzerland’s leader Ignacio Casis has said that Switzerland “fully” takes EU sanctions against Russia.


Ukrainian Paralympians oppose the presence of Russian and Belarusian athletes in Beijing

Ukrainian athletes in an open letter to the IOC have demanded that Russian and Belarusian athletes be excluded from the Paralympic Winter Games, which open on Friday in Beijing.


Will Mலlenchon be at the Matignon at 3 p.m.?

France’s rebel presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon is scheduled to be represented by FI vice-president Bastien Lachaud in Matignon, where Prime Minister Jean Costex will receive all 300 candidates for sponsorship at 3 p.m. Around the conflict in Ukraine. But Matignon told Parisian that the candidates for this meeting could not be represented by others. You can see here that we are directly committed to the presidential election.



Moscow is trying to fight against Western sanctions

Russia has suspended flights to 36 countries in retaliation for sanctions. In these countries: France.



Anonymous hackers who declared themselves in the cyber war against Russia hacked the maritime data to rename Vladimir Putin’s boat ‘FCKPTN’ and find it in ‘hell’. This may seem like a small maneuver, but it should, with other efforts, allow Russian technicians to do more work. So much time was saved to prevent cyber attacks against Ukraine and Europe.


Roman Abramovich in Belarus?


Washington lowers the screen of its embassy in Belarus

The U.S. State Department has indicated that operations at the US embassy in Minsk, Belarus, have been suspended and that voluntary departures for the Moscow embassy have been approved.


Any transaction with the Russian Central Bank is prohibited from the United States and beyond

The United States immediately bans any transaction with the Russian Central Bank.


Russian “end to misinformation”

“We (Sunday) imposed new sanctions on both finance and the economy, but Jean-Yves Le Drian notes a package that will put an end to the misinformation spread in Europe by Russian propaganda organizations. The next day.


Welcoming refugees in “ideal circumstances”

“We support Russian figures and artists who support peace, and we are mobilized with French local authorities to welcome Ukrainian refugees in the best possible way.”


The role of the French embassy in Ukraine was essentially reduced

“Our diplomatic system will be maintained in Ukraine, but will be greatly reduced from now on,” said Jean-Yves Le Trian.


The “complete census” of the financial assets of Russian personalities continues

“At the request of the President, we have decided to intensify sanctions against Russia and against Russian oligarchs,” said Bruno Le Myr, Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery. Elysee follows Jean-Yves Le Drian. “All assets of the Russian Central Bank were frozen last night,” the minister continued. The immediate consequences are already known in Russia, “he said. We continue the full list of “financial assets, real estate, boats, luxury cars owned by Russian figures under European approval”, the Minister noted that the G7 of Finance Ministers will be held on Tuesday.

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Armed support for Ukraine

“We have been working in European coordination in the field of arms to support Ukraine with defensive measures (…) from the coordination center in Poland.”


“Today there is an opportunity” for French citizens to leave Kiev, says Le Trian

“The situation of our citizens in Kiev: the roads leading out of Kiev from the south are not completely safe, but today there is a chance to leave the city,” said Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trian during a security exit. The meeting was held in Elysee on Monday morning. So our comrades – I address them very passionately – may decide to use this opportunity to get started on the road. We can not assist them on the road or guarantee the complete safety of the trip, but we can provide them with regular information about crossing points, on the other hand, we receive diplomatic assistance and extensive assistance. On the other side of the border. It is possible to travel by train from Kiev to Lviv, ”said Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trian.


Zhelensky thanked Japan for its support

“I did an interview with the Prime Minister of Japan,” the Ukrainian president announced on Twitter.


Air BnB has announced it will provide 100,000 homes for refugees.

Airbnb.org is thus committed to facilitating the emergency sheltering of 100,000 refugees leaving Ukraine, “with close cooperation with the authorities to better meet the specific needs of each country, especially providing accommodation solutions. A press release.


Speech by Jean-Yves Le Drian and Bruno Le Maire in a few minutes

Ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian and Bruno Le Maire will speak at the exit of the Security and National Security Council from the Elysee Palace in about fifteen minutes, the Elysee Palace said. The President met with the Security Council dedicated to Ukraine on Monday morning. Elysee announced in the afternoon that he would attend a video conference with foreign leaders to “pursue closer coordination between allies and European partners” in the conflict in Ukraine.

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Mobile World Show (MWC) canceled in Moscow

The Eurasian edition in Moscow was canceled on Monday as the Mobile World Show (MWC), the premier event for the technology industry, opened in Barcelona. Already on Friday, during this meeting the organization decided to remove the pavilion dedicated to Russian companies in Barcelona.


Daimler truck suspends cooperation with Russian military supplier

“In view of the events of the past few days, we have decided to immediately suspend our operations in Russia until further notice,” said a spokesman for the Mercedes-Benz Trucks Manufacturing Group.

The verdict specifically involves cooperation with Kamas. It supplies tanks and carriers to the Russian military.


More than 5,000 applications to settle in Israel

More than 5,000 people in Ukraine have contacted the Jewish agency seeking to immigrate to Israel, the organization that created a specific call center after the Russian invasion said Monday.


The question of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union is divisive

Charles Michel, chairman of the European Council, acknowledged on Monday that Ukraine’s membership in the European Union was being discussed in various ways.