July 27, 2024

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Hours before the end of the deal, the military said the Australians had sent a “satisfaction” mail to Paris.

Hours before the end of the deal, the military said the Australians had sent a “satisfaction” mail to Paris.

This is not going to alleviate a situation This is in the crisis of the submarine agreement, which is increasing day by day between France and Australia. French Armed Forces spokeswoman Herve Grandzine said on Twitter on Tuesday, September 21, just hours before the deal was announced that the Australians had sent a letter to Paris. “Satisfactory performance achieved by submarine and project development”. And add: ” In summary: Forward to begin the next phase of the contract. ” He describes the ministry version in a series of tweets.

Europeans expressed their solidarity with Paris and stressed the importance of strengthening the EU’s strategic autonomy, but during Tuesday’s meeting in Brussels, several countries stressed the need to safeguard Atlantic relations.

The case threatens to continue negotiations on a free trade agreement between the European Union and Australia, as well as the first meeting of the US-European Council on Technology and Trade in the United States next week. .

Also read: How America left France in the dark

There is a crisis “A warning signal to everyone in the EU”, German Foreign Minister for European Affairs Michael Roth ruled. “We must ask ourselves the question of how we can show greater solidarity in matters of foreign policy and security, to ensure our sovereignty.”, he said. He said he understood “Good disappointment” Paris, after the announcement of an agreement between the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom (known as the “Axis”), concluded Canberra with a mega agreement to purchase French submarines.

French Foreign Minister Clement Bonn calls on EU “Awareness” With its US ally on the need to strengthen its strategic autonomy. “We saw the Afghan crisis, we see it in this current tension.”, He declared. Comment by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission Maros Sefkovic: “After Kabul, after Agus, it was natural that we decided to focus more on strategic autonomy.”

Charles Michael, President of the Council of Europe, an organization representing member states, addressed the UN General Assembly in New York. “Frank, direct and lively exchange” With Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. It is “A growing sense that something is broken in Europe” In a relationship with Washington, the European Commissioner for Internal Markets, French Theory Breton, said. “Maybe it’s time to retire [de les] Reset “, He said in a speech in Washington.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read more Diplomatic crisis between Washington and Paris over Australian submarines

The Biden-Macron interview is scheduled for the weekend

A phone interview “Clarification” Is scheduled “By the Weekend” Between Presidents Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron, according to an adviser to the French president. But the case calls into question the continuation of negotiations on an EU-Australia free trade agreement with Paris, which some countries have called for with caution. Irish Minister for European Affairs Thomas Byrne said the crisis should not happen “Tear and throw” Existing alliances “Of course, we must defend our strategic interests. But we cannot do that by turning ourselves in.”, Said Swedish Minister for European Affairs, Hans Tolkien.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read more Submarine Crisis: French Manufacturer Naval Group, “List of Expenses Begins”

The crisis is the responsibility of the new US-European Council, which is scheduled for September 29 in Pittsburgh, northeast of the United States, to coordinate the policies of the two constituencies in the field of technology and trade. To Atlantic cooperation after years of tension under President Donald Trump.

The commission said it was working to assess the impact of the crisis at the meeting. According to European sources, the opposition claimed France’s right, although the postponement of the meeting provoked hostility from several member states, including the Baltic states, traditionally allying with Washington, but not Germany.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read more Submarine crisis: Canberra does not regret Paris’ anger

“I believe we can deal with Atlantic distrust because it is in the interest of Europe and the United States.”Said Lithuanian Deputy Foreign Minister Arnoldos Franானois “Atlantic Unity” Was “The greatest strength (…) Especially for countries like Russia and China. “. A discussion is scheduled to take place between EU ambassadors on Friday.

Selection of our articles on the submarine crisis between France and Australia

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