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In Israel, the age for receiving the third dose of the vaccine has been reduced to 30

In Israel, the age for receiving the third dose of the vaccine has been reduced to 30

According to the official report, the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has killed at least 4.4 million people worldwide since Tuesday, August 24, December 2019. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that this number could be two to three times higher, taking into account the high number of deaths directly and indirectly linked to Govt-19.

  • Israel lowers age for third child to 30Dosage of the Covit-19 vaccine

“Third dose vaccine approved for people over 30 from today”, The Israeli Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday In a press release. The Hebrew State, in the grip of an epidemic since the emergence of the delta variant, wants to fight against the increase in pollution.

Three weeks ago, Israel launched Campaign to allow people 60 and older to get the third dose of the vaccine, Primarily Pfizer-Bioendech. In defiance of the WHO ban, it gradually lowered the minimum age This booster dose, To leave more vaccines to poorer countries where vaccination rates are lower.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read more In Israel, the dream of losing joint immunity to Govt-19

Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett responded that managing this level in Israel, which has a population of nine million, would not affect global stocks and would test the effectiveness of the third dose. More than 5.4 million people received two doses of the vaccine, 58% of the population and more than 1.5 million per third.

Israel was one of the first countries to launch an extensive vaccination campaign in mid-December under an agreement with Pfizer Laboratory. This campaign greatly reduced epidemics. However, in recent weeks, the number of infections has increased again due to the spread of delta variant in unvaccinated adults but also in people who were vaccinated six months ago.

  • Five billion volumes are managed worldwide

More than five billion vaccines have been delivered worldwide, according to Agency France-Press, according to official sources on Tuesday.

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This fifth billion is reached in twenty-six days, which is a variable equivalent to the fourth and third billion (thirty and twenty-six days, respectively). The first billion dose was reached in about 140 days.

With 1.96 billion injections, China still focuses on four of the ten doses administered globally. India (589 million) and the United States (363 million) complete the top 3 in absolute terms. In terms of population, the champions of the United Arab Emirates vaccine (in countries with a population of more than one million), 179 doses per 100 people and 75% of the population are fully vaccinated.

  • The WHO condemns ‘shocking inequalities’ in access to vaccines

On Tuesday, the WHO condemned it “Shocking Inequalities in Vaccine Access” At the beginning of the annual video conference meeting of African health ministers against Govt-19. Worldwide, 140 countries have vaccinated at least 10% of their population, but only four countries on our continent have been able to achieve this goal, due to shocking inequalities in access to vaccines. “, Said WHO Director-General Tetros Adanom Caprais. According to him, “Vaccine-related crisis illustrates fundamental weakness at the root of the epidemic: lack of global unity and sharing”.

Read the survey: Access to anti-Govt vaccines: Large north-south divide

WHO Director-General calls on African nations to support global unity “An international agreement or any other legal entity makes it possible to enhance international cooperation.” Based on the response to infection.

“The Kovacs device has delivered 40 million doses of the vaccine to African countries, only a fraction of the amount needed to protect the continent’s population against the serious disease and death risks associated with Kovit-19.”, Also mentioned by Madshidiso Moyeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa.

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The article is reserved for our subscribers Read more Govt-19 in Africa: “It’s over because vaccines are not available, we are no longer the exception”

World with AFP