July 27, 2024

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In pictures: Easter celebration around the world

In pictures: Easter celebration around the world

Celebrations are held all over the world to celebrate the most important festival in the Christian calendar – Easter.

Tens of thousands of worshipers gathered in St. Peter's Square to hear Pope Francis preside over Easter Mass.

The Bible says that Jesus rose on Easter Sunday, days after his death on the cross on Good Friday. It is customary for many to attend services on Saturday evening as well as on Sunday.

A day after withdrawing from a ceremony at short notice, Pope Francis participated in a two-hour vigil at the Vatican on Saturday.

Concerns about his health were renewed when he did not participate in the Good Friday procession.

But the 87-year-old pope read a lengthy homily and performed a number of baptisms.

People around the world celebrated Easter, including in the Philippines where worshipers gathered to catch a glimpse of the traditional procession.

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Crowds gather on the stairs to participate in a traditional procession in the Philippines

In the capital, Manila, children dressed as angels and prayed.

Elsewhere, in the Kiberia district of Nairobi, Kenya, worshipers young and old came together to light candles.

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Priests led the service in Nairobi next to a fire outside the church

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A woman attends Easter Mass at the Holy Trinity Cathedral Church of Pakistan, in Karachi

Image source, Getty Images

Easter represents a large part of the Catholic calendar and is followed by 1.3 billion people around the world.

At St. Sebastian's Church in Katuwapitiya, Sri Lanka, a Catholic priest gave Holy Communion to Christian worshippers.

Services were also held in many European capitals, cities and towns.

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Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa presides over the Easter Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem

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A worshiper kisses the cross during Easter Mass at the Great Church of Tahira in Al-Hamdaniya, Iraq.

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