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Infection in Guadeloupe continues to decline for 7 weeks

Infection in Guadeloupe continues to decline for 7 weeks

On Friday, October 22, the start of the curfew order will only be postponed until 11pm (as opposed to 10pm). The second phase of the restructuring will take place in the middle of next week. As for the indicators of Govt-19 infection, they continue to decline. Vaccination for caregivers is progressing, but some are leaving.

As every Wednesday, Alexandre Rossatte, President of the Guadeloupe Region, and Valerie Denex, Director General of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), take stock of the health status, vaccination campaign, and improvements and upcoming actions. October 20, 2021. They encountered the press in the “small room of the palace” in the province of Pas-Terre.

It turned out that there was a clear decrease in Govt-19 infection.
As announced on October 6, the state’s local representative will begin the second phase of the island’s restructuring: but the start of the first curfew order on Friday, October 22, has been postponed to 11:00 p.m.
In addition, according to the ARS, vaccination for health workers is progressing well.

To continue the press conference from the Palais de Orleans in Boss-Terre, live:

Health condition

The situation in Guadeloupe continues to improve during these times of the fourth wave of Govt-19.
Below are all the indicators of infection based on data recorded during the 41st week (October 11 to 17, 2021):

  • Have been 156 new casesAgainst 202 in the previous week (about 12,000 trials were performed);
  • 5 people died ;
  • No masonry Not identified;
  • The Event Rate 41.4 Per 100,000 population, 53.6 more than the previous period;
  • The Positive rate 1.9%, Compared to 2.4 previously;
  • 14 new hospitals were added to Govt Medical;
  • 5 people went directly to intensive care.
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Regardless, the virus is still spreading. This creates serious lawsuits in the region. To date, 12 Kovit patients are being treated in intensive care, domestically, about 30 are in Kovit medicine, about 20 are in home hospital and about 20 are in follow-up and rehabilitation care.

45% of Guadeloupe adults have received at least the first dose of vaccine against Govit-19. The rate of decline is 42% in relation to the eligible population, i.e. those over 12 years of age.

Govt-19 Status Update – 10/20/2021

What about the use of vaccine duty?

Director of ARS speaks “Positive growth“, About the mandatory vaccination of health professionals in the archipelago.

At 38 weeks, the Liberals were 41.70% vaccinated, up from 75.96% at 41 weeks.
In health institutions, the statistics are low: 66% of all professionals are vaccinated together; Only physicians and pharmacists complied with the law by up to 88%.

For others, formal notice letters, in the form ofLetters of Education“Shipped according to formula used by Valérie Denux. Almost were”200 Positive Regulations“.
Procedures for termination of contracts have also begun: 55 independent medical professionals recognized by the region are concerned; In large numbers, in a small archipelago, some areas are medicinal deserts.
In health facilities, 500 suspensions are pending to date.
In medical community centers, there were 12 contract suspensions.

Actions against Govt-19

Indicators of infection are gradually declining for seven consecutive weeks.
This is what the prince expected in order to carry out his plan to reorganize the archipelago. As initially planned, the second phase of this schedule will begin.

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As of Friday, October 22, the curfew will begin at 11pm (compared to 10pm at present) and end at 5am.
A further reduction in the virus-breaking activity will be announced only after an exchange with communities and social experts on Friday. It will take effect in the middle of next week.

As of Saturday, October 23, a health pass has been installed in restaurants from the first customer received; So this will be the end of the intermediate phase.

The holiday of all saints can be celebrated with the utmost respect for the prohibition gestures.