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Italian President Sergio Materella is finally running for a second term

Italian President Sergio Materella is finally running for a second term

Last minute surprise for the Italian presidential election. Sergio Materella, 80, has said on several occasions that he does not want to continue in office. Despite that, he received nearly 400 votes in the seventh ballot. The eighth round begins at 4:30 pm on Saturday, and Mr. Materella must collect the votes of at least 505 MPs to be elected.

Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers In Italy, the presidency always has the air of a conference

Coalition parties in power in Italy announced on Saturday that they had agreed to re-elect outgoing President Sergio Mattarella, while agreeing to a second term on Saturday, said Regional Affairs Minister Mariastella Gelmini. “The fact that President Sergio Materella has expressed a desire to run for a second term at the request of a majority of political parties shows his sense of responsibility and commitment to the country and its institutions.”, Said.

The presidency in Italy is largely ritualistic, but it plays an important role in the event of a political crisis in a country where the political landscape is very fragmented. In fact, he has the power to dissolve parliament and appoint a prime minister, and he can refuse to rule for coalitions he considers weak.

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The election for Mr Matterella’s successor has been dragging on since the beginning of the week, with no name agreeing in the absence of a left or right majority in parliament. All political parties represented in parliament, with the exception of the far-right Fratelli d’Italia, are part of a coalition supporting the government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, but the right, left and 5-star movement (M5S, opposition organization) do not see a consensus.

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In the fifth round, the far-right and far-right parties (Forza Italia, of Silvio Berlusconi, League and Fratelli d’Italia) nominated Elisabetta Casellati, the current president of the Senate. The head of government, Silvio Berlusconi, left and the 5 star movement did not vote. But this 75-year-old Catholic, anti-abortionist, received only 382 of the 453 votes he should have received in his own camp in theory.

Mario Draghi will be very useful to the government

A few months ago, TheMario Draghi, former chairman of the European Central Bank, Was a great option. Strong with the virgin and undeniable international light of any non-partisan relationship, he had everything he could to settle a shot in the chair of Sergio Matterella. But his appointment as chairman of the committee in February 2021 did complex things. Many lawmakers are reluctant to vote for him for fear that his departure from the government will destabilize the administration, leading to early elections before the end of the 2023 assembly.

His departure will weaken the recovery of the third economy in the eurozone and implement the reforms needed to benefit billions of euros from the post-European Govt recovery plan, of which Italy is the first beneficiary.

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“To stay on the same team with Tracy, let’s say Matterella stays” Matteo Salvini, the leader of the government-led far-right La Liga party, launched on Saturday following the defeat of the candidate he proposed on Friday. Silvio Berlusconi, He also applied but failed, Said his party would be ready to vote for Mr Matterella. “We know we are asking him for a great sacrifice, but we know we can ask him for the good of the country.”, Mr. Berlusconi commented.

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Sergio Materella has already accepted a particularly turbulent seven-year mandate amid political crises and the corona virus. According to the Italian media, Mario Tragi had met him long before he could accept a new order. This Sicilian judge was able to manage with diplomacy a difficult political eruption that was little known before he became president in 2015, which was applauded by all Italian parties.

It is traditionally difficult to anticipate the outcome of the Italian presidential election without official candidates and with secret ballots. To date, Giovanni Lyon’s record for the longest election since she was elected on the twenty – third ballot in 1971.

Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers In Italy, President Matterella’s successor delights in the “behind-the-scenes press.”

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters