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Life expectancy is reduced by Govt-19 2020

Life expectancy is reduced by Govt-19 2020

It is now established: Govit-19 marks the world’s most populous history. According to a study by British, German and Danish researchers in twenty-nine developed countries, including twenty-seven in Europe, the epidemic lifespan in 2020 fell sharply. In most Western European countries, the decline reached a level not seen after the end of World War II. In Eastern Europe, the decline caused by the economic and health downturn following the dissolution of the Soviet bloc is sometimes even closer. Published in Magazine International Journal of Epidemiology, Monday, September 27th, This research provides a point “Temporary”According to researchers, the epidemic continues to grow in many parts of the world.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read more Govt-19 epidemic “ruined many years of increased life expectancy”

To carry out this comparative study, researchers from the University of Oxford, the University of Southern Denmark and the Max-Blanc Institute in Rostock, Germany, reviewed data on general mortality data and available covit mortality. They then selected the countries where their statistics were broken down by sex and age group. Twenty-nine countries thus left the basket: twenty-seven in Europe and the United States and Chile. For each of them, they measured the weight of the Govit-19 using two different methods, and the results were qualified “Consistent”.

Life expectancy at birth is 2.2 years for men and 1.6 years for women

The spread of the virus in the West seems to have damaged the population landscape individually. Surprisingly, the United States has a lower life expectancy of 2.2 years for men at birth and 1.6 years for women. But overall, there has been a decline of more than a year for men in eleven countries and women in eight countries. “It took an average of 5.6 years for these countries to have a one-year lifespan, which was wiped out by 2020 by Govt.”, Urge researchers. Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain, Chile, Italy and Belgium are the worst hit after the Americans. In twenty-two countries, the indicator has been declining for more than half a year. With an estimated 8 months for men and 7.2 months for women, France is one of them. Finally, a group of six countries from northern Europe and Greece seem to be escaping the most. Researchers give special note to Norway and Denmark, with life expectancy increasing between 2019 and 2020.

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