July 27, 2024

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Live – Govit-19: Pfizer / Biotech vaccine “more effective” against Omigran variant after “three doses”

Live – Govit-19: Pfizer / Biotech vaccine “more effective” against Omigran variant after “three doses”

Masks and Health Pass at Meetings: Gabriel Attle calls for candidates’ “responsibility”

A government spokesman at the end of the cabinet meeting on Wednesday called on presidential candidates to be “responsible” for respecting the wearing of masks during meetings and political rallies.

Jean-François Delfraissy called for a pre-Christmas inspection and called for “controlling the number of guests”.

The chairman of the Science Council, interviewed by the Senate Social Affairs Committee, pointed out that year-end celebrations should be done in accordance with prohibition signals.

Jean-François Delfraissy called on the French to check in before family reunions and to “control the number of guests” at the table on festive evenings.

Nightclub closure: Dancing in bars and restaurants will also be banned

Bars and restaurants in France are banned from dancing from Friday morning until January 6. Nightclubs have to close their doors As part of the new anti-Govt measures decided by the French government, according to an order issued on Wednesday.

Discos will be open to the public from 6:00 am on Fridays until 6:00 p.m.

Pfizer and BioNTech announce a vaccine suitable for the Omicron category “in March”

Pfizer / BioNTech Labs announces that a version of their vaccine is expected “in March” to adapt to the Omicron variant.

The Pfizer / Biontech vaccine is “still effective” against the Omicron variant after “three doses”

The company announces that the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine will be “more effective” against the Omicron variant after “three doses”.

Sending 3rd dose to Jean-François Delfraissy, southern countries “a scientific betrayal”

The head of the Science Council in the Senate on Tuesday questioned the contradiction between launching booster doses for rich countries and those who still have the worst access to the vaccine today. The WHO has warned against sending more vaccines to poorer countries.

“If I heard that the 3rd dose should be placed to be sent to the South, it would be a scientific betrayal,” Jean-François Delfraissy began. “I do not fully share the WHO’s views on this. This is a political view, not entirely healthy.”

According to him, we now need to “integrate, if we do not want to lose the beneficial effect of vaccines introduced in the North, we need a third dose”.

“We have a significant number of 300,000 or 400,000 people over the age of 80 who will not be vaccinated,” Jean-Fran்கois Delphrasi said.

“We have a significant number of 300,000 or 400,000 people over the age of 80 who will not be vaccinated,” the Senate chairman of the Senate Science Council recalled in France on Tuesday. .

“We must continue to ‘go’,” he declared, “and we must try to convince these older people that with the advent of new types it is becoming even more of an argument.”

However, he is not in favor of compulsory vaccination. “Are we going to send a vaccinating force to these people? No, we’ll be with humanity.”

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Schools: Jean-Fran்கois Delphrasi announces that “we will move towards formal screening at the beginning of the January academic year.”

Jean-Fran்கois Delphrasi reminded the Senate on Tuesday that the Science Council had decided in September for a formal screening of schools among the Govt-19 students.

“We’re going to have a formal screening at the beginning of the January academic year,” he said, “considering the explosion of cases of this age group.”

However, he emphasized that the issue was in the hands of the government and would be decided.

“We need new vaccines, 2nd and 3rd generation,” says Jean-François Delfraissy

With the vaccines currently being used against Covit-19, the head of the Science Council in the Senate explained on Tuesday that “we are falling behind in the limits of the system and we can clearly see that there is a loss of this performance over time.”

“So we really need new vaccines, 2nd and 3rd generation vaccines,” he explained.

“Vaccines alone will not get us out of this crisis,” recalled Jean-Franோois Delphrasi.

“Vaccines alone will not get us out of this crisis,” Jean-Fran்கois Delphrasi recalled in the Senate on Tuesday, stressing the importance of banning gestures in the fight against Govt-19.

“Yes, vaccines can be very effective, but in the event of a wave and a strong fifth wave, restraint gestures are also important,” he underscores.

After booster dose Jean-Franோois Delphrasi promised, “the area is shrinking”

“Are there any contaminants after the third dose? The answer is yes,” Jean-Fran்கois Delphrasi said in the Senate on Tuesday, while recalling that the vaccine did not completely prevent the infection, but strongly reduced it.

“We have good data from Israel, which shows a decrease in transmission to the general population,” he explains after the third dose, and then again, “there is a clear decrease in areas. After the third dose”.

Vaccine for 5 – 11 year olds: “Science Council wants it to be compulsory and not subject to health clearance”

“If it is a sign of vaccinating children [de 5 à 11 ans] Retained, the Science Council wants it not to be mandatory and that children’s health should not be subject to the pass, “Jean-Fran்கois Delphrasi told the Senate on Tuesday.” This is the best way to scare people. Scientist, this vaccine should be “recommended”.

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The Immunization Guidance Committee has issued a “recommendation to vaccinate these children,” but he recalled that “pediatricians are at least mixed in on this symptom”. HAS must submit its opinion within ten days, he said.

French scientists are currently waiting to receive data on toxicity from the United States, which started vaccinating children aged 5-11 three weeks ago.

The Science Council encourages caregivers to be vaccinated

“Very strong news”. In front of the Committee on Social Affairs, the Science Council, by voice of its chairman, Jean-François Delfraissy, called on the caretakers to adhere to the 3rd level as much as possible.

“The Scientific Council strongly recommends that our caregivers be vaccinated quickly with the 3rd dose,” he stressed.

At the origin of this call, one observation: only 30% of them have already received the vaccine booster.

“It’s not quite enough. This would be one of our recommendations: the booster should be restarted with a very strong vaccine because they need to protect themselves, protect the patients they are treating, they are protecting families,” he said. Jean-François Delfraissy.

To Delfraissy, “We may need a 4th dose at some point”

Will there finally be a fourth dose of vaccine against Covit-19? Jean-François Delfraissy, chairman of the Science Council, who addressed the Committee on Social Affairs in the Senate on Wednesday, estimated that “we may need a fourth dose at some point.”

“For now, this is a recall, but maybe a fourth may be needed, I do not know, I do not know how long the recall will last. (…) In this person’s crisis, we have to say. Put everything we know on the table, so that we know, We share what we do not know.

“We are protected”: Emmanuel Macron optimistic about the final celebrations of the year

Asked if the French could believe in a peaceful Christmas, Emmanuel Macron wanted to promise on the microphone. France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne. “Yes, I believe it deeply, because every time we tried to get a proportional response,” the head of state ruled on Wednesday.

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According to Emmanuel Macron, this was due to recent “attempts” by the French.

“We are protected by a joint effort, especially this summer and this fall, by the Health Pass, by the acceleration of the vaccine,” he said.

Promising message about the Omigron variant

Anti-Govt vaccines could be more effective against Omicron, which does not appear to be more dangerous than Delta, which is spreading more around the world, senior scientists at the WHO and White House told AFP.

“There is no doubt that current vaccines protect patients with Omicron disease from severe forms of COV-19,” WHO Emergency Manager Michael Ryan said in a statement Tuesday evening. Rare interview with AFP.

“We have the most effective vaccines that have so far proven to be powerful against all variants based on the severity of the disease and hospitalization, and there is no reason to believe that it will not.” With Omicron, its discovery raises the winds of panic in South Africa in late November, as the doctor hammered Ryan.

However, he acknowledged that vaccines may be less effective against omigran, which is different from a large number of mutations. But “this is highly unlikely” can completely escape the protection provided by vaccines.

Nearly 60,000 new cases were registered on Tuesday

More than 59,000 new Covit-19 contaminants have been recorded in the last 24 hours, according to figures released by Public Health France on Tuesday, which also shows an increase in hospital admissions.

Exactly 59,019 new cases have been confirmed, according to the health organization. In the last seven days (which mitigates the effects of non-working days), the average number of new daily cases is 44,584, up from about 30,000 a week ago, which testifies to the acceleration of this wave.

The positive rate has remained stable at 6.5% over the last seven consolidated days.

The 12,714 patients affected by Govt-19 are now hospitalized – including 1,665 new hospitals in 24 hours – more than 10,000 a week ago. The number of patients in intensive care is also increasing, from less than 1,800 last Tuesday to 2,351 in 24 hours, including 408.

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The latest information on the Govit-19 epidemic can be found here.