July 27, 2024

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Number of new Govt-19 cases

Number of new Govt-19 cases

A number of cases were reported in New Zealand on Tuesday Corona virus Since the onset of the epidemic,
Delta variant Forcing the archipelago to abandon its “zero cowid” strategy. Health officials have announced 94 new cases, which surpassed the previous record of 89 contaminants recorded in April 2020.
The first wave of Govt-19. The number of pollutants has not stopped increasing since the appearance of the highly contagious delta variant in the country in mid-August.

The epidemic focus in Auckland forced Prime Minister Jacinta Order to abandon her “Zero Govt” strategy in support of intensifying the vaccine campaign. The center-left leader is set to release a plan on Friday to ease restrictions once the vaccine targets are reached. About two-thirds of the vaccinated age population has been vaccinated. “We know the vaccine is already creating a big different kind of epidemic in Auckland, but there are people who follow these measures,” Jacinta Artern told reporters.

Until the delta variation came, the archipelago was protected from infection, especially due to the strict border measures and intensive tracking policy allowed. For New Zealanders Enjoy almost normal life. The policy paid off, with only 28 deaths per five million people recorded since the outbreak began. Jacinta Artern admits that the Delta variant is a “game-changer” because it does not allow transmission speed to follow the contact cases and it is not possible to eliminate it.

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