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Fossil fuel production forecast still does not meet +1.5 ° C target, UN warns

Fossil fuel production forecast still does not meet +1.5 ° C target, UN warns

The 2015 climate agreement aims to reduce global warming to minus + 2 ° C compared to the pre-industrial period, to +1.5 C if possible. The plans of fossil fuel producing countries do not meet these objectives.

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Another call to order. Despite promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there are plans for coal, oil and gas production. “Dangerous Interval” According to a statement, with the intentions of the Paris Agreement The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was released on Wednesday, October 20, two weeks before the COP26 climate conference.

The 2015 Climate Agreement aims to control global warming below +1.5 ° C, compared to the pre-industrial period of +1.5 C. One of the levers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the removal of particularly polluting fossil fuels. I believe it should be below +1.5 C, “Global fossil fuel production must begin to decline immediately and sharply”, UNEP and many other research organizations underlined the report.

However, countries “Still forecasts increase in oil and gas production, and only a small drop in coal production by 2040.”, Explained Ploy Achakulwisut, researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and editor-in-chief of the report. Results, “Government production plans will lead to an increase of about 240% in coal, 57% in oil and 71% in gas by 2030., She insisted.

Overall, if we consider fossil fuels as a whole, production projections for 2030 are up to + 2 ° C (45% higher than compatible with global warming), parallel to controlling global warming to +1.5 C.

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