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The anchor of the ship that caused the California oil spill?

The anchor of the ship that caused the California oil spill?

In films, in films – Oil spill, probably due to oil pipeline leak, nearly 480,000 liters of crude oil, stretching over 30 km2.

The Coast Guard is trying to find out Oil spill threatening California beaches Local media reported on Tuesday (October 5) that a ship’s anchor may have been caused by a drill in an oil pipeline.

In total, the 24km beach between Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach, the famous beaches in South Los Angeles are famous for their dolphins, seals and other marine life, are closed to the public. Fishing has also been banned over the weekend due to a leak from a nearby passing pipeline that could reach 480,000 liters of crude oil.

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the busiest in the world. Like other infrastructures of this type, they face significant delays, further exacerbated by the Covit-19 health crisis, and many cargo ships and container vessels are forced to wait at sea before being docked. These vessels will be assigned anchor points from the pipeline and other underwater equipment. But an anchor thrown in the wrong place pulled the pipe up to about fifteen meters, according to a source close to the investigation into the oil spill, cited daily as causing the leak. Los Angeles Times .

The 24-kilometer stretch of coastline is closed to the public. Patrick D. FALLON / AFP

More than 15,000 liters of oil were extracted

Relief mobilized fourteen special ships that have been busy recovering oil since Sunday. More than 15,000 liters were taken from the sea on Monday evening. “We have a number of professionals working to clean up this oil spill and ensure the safety of the public and the environment.California Coast Guard Captain Rebecca Orr said.

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Texan company Amplify Energy, which operates the pipeline through its subsidiary Beta Offshore, sent a remote-controlled vehicle to verify its installation and was to send a team of divers after identifying a potential source for the leak. Its CEO, Martin Wilsher, “Do what is necessaryTo repair the impact of an oil spill that was partially contained by floating dams established by emergency services.

More than 15,000 liters of oil have already been extracted from the sea. Michael Hyman / AFP

Four seabirds trapped in the oil were collected Monday, but some protected reserves on the beach were polluted. According to experts, assessing the damage is still premature because the effects on the environment may not be felt for days or even weeks. The leak occurred near the rat platform at the origin of the oil spill, which was built to process crude oil extracted from neighboring wells in the 1980s. A total of 23 oil and gas bases are installed in federal water in Southern California.