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The former defense chief was arrested for treason

The former defense chief was arrested for treason

Close to the former president, he was ousted when repression in this country of the former Soviet camp fell.

The former head of Kazakhstan’s national security organization was arrested on charges of treason after being fired following unrest in the country, the agency said on Saturday.

Kareem Massimov, the former director of the National Security Council (KNB), said he had been detained on Thursday after launching a high-profile treason investigation.

An investigation has been launched into the crime of treason

On January 6 this year, the National Security Council launched its initial investigation into high-profile treason“, It was mentioned in a press release.”On the same day, KK Massimov, a former director of the KNB, is suspected of committing the crime, and he was arrested and placed in a pre-trial center with other persons.“, Continues the press release.

Kareem Kazimganouli Massimov, a close ally of former Kazakh President Narsultan Nazarbayev, the former prime minister, was ousted as KNB chairman this week following the riots. Triggered by rising gas prices.

See also – Kazakhstan: President rejects talks, “kills” armed forces

Kazakhstan is the largest country in Central Asia. The provinces were rocked by the outbreak of protests on Sunday Before spreading to other cities, especially the economic capital, Almaty, the protests turned violent and deadly.

State President Qasim-Jomar Tokayev allowed Security forces “shoot to kill” on Friday It refused to hold talks with the protesters, with Russian support, to quell any insurgency. A group of Russian troops and other allies of Moscow has arrived Thursday to support power in Kazakhstan by protecting strategic buildings and supporting the police.

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