July 27, 2024

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The Taliban have called on television to stop airing series with women

The Taliban have called on television to stop airing series with women

As part of the new “Religious Orders”, released this Sunday, Taliban ministry to promote morality and prevent evil Called televisions
Afghan Do not broadcast more series

The ministry’s document told media attention that “televisions should avoid showing women playing rose water in soap operas and series.”

“This is not a question of rules, but a question of religious precepts.”

She also urges female journalists to make sure to wear the “Islamic veil” on screen, which is a simple head veil, or the veil already worn on Afghan television. “This is not a question of rules, but of religious precepts,” said Hakif Mohajir, a spokesman for the ministry. Afghan television is also called upon to avoid programs that are “against Islamic and Afghan values” and that insult the religion or “show the Prophet and his Companions”.

This is the first time the ministry has tried to regulate Afghan television since the Taliban came to power in mid-August. During their first regime, from 1996 to 2001, the Ministry of Virtue Promotion and Suppression, which was responsible for ensuring the daily respect of the “Islamic values” of the people, feared its fundamentalism and the punishments it meted out. He was training. The Taliban banned television, movies, and all forms of immoral entertainment.

Regression of women’s freedom

Those caught watching television were punished and their equipment destroyed, and if they had a VCR, the public was punished with flogging. For a while, I could even see televisions hanging in the streetlights. The Taliban, ousted in 2001, returned to power last August in a country with a changed media landscape after 20 years of Western rule. In these two decades, the media industry exploded and dozens of private radio and television stations appeared.

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They provided new opportunities for women who were not allowed to work or study under the Taliban in the 1990s. Today, despite a very modest face, the Taliban still do not allow many women to return to work in the public service. Classes for girls in middle and high schools and public universities are not yet open in most parts of the country. In private universities, the Taliban demanded that female students be veiled. Their militants have also repeatedly attacked journalists Accused of covering up protests by “unrecognized” women.