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Thousands of Bolsanaro supporters demonstrated against the electronic voting system

Thousands of Bolsanaro supporters demonstrated against the electronic voting system

“Our votes must be printed!” In Brazil, several thousand protesters gathered on SundayThere is In August, Agence France-Presse (AFP) journalists called for their support for President Jair Bolsanaro and against the electronic ballot system that has been in place since 1996.

In Rio de Janeiro, about 3,000 people marched on the famous Copacabana beach, most without masks and wearing yellow and green, the colors of the Brazilian flag. “What we want is for more transparency, the votes can be recounted publicly because there was already suspicion of fraud.”, One of the protesters, Ronaldo Calvalcond,, 46, told AFP.

On Sunday, August 1, 2021, protesters gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, demanding a new voting system.

“People’s will must prevail” for Jair Bolzano

The Brazilian president, who is targeting his re-election in 2022, has not asked for a return to vote by paper ballot, but by printing a receipt after each ballot through the electronic ballot box so that votes can be physically recounted.

According to analysts, if the far-right leader fails, he, like former US President Donald Trump, is an ardent fan.

They are Sunday, August 1, 2021, thousands of Bolsanaro supporters on Bolista Avenue in S பாo Paulo (Brazil).

Jair Bolzano did not take part in the morning rally in Brasilia, but he did deliver a speech via video conference, reiterating that he would not deny the election. “Clean” நி “Democratic”. He said he would “Everything You Need” Print receipts for electronic voting.

In the afternoon, he addressed thousands of protesters gathered in the country’s largest city, Sao Paulo. “The will of the people must prevail. I hope this will be done in Brasilia after this demonstration.”, He said, referring to the scheduled vote Thursday in the House of Representatives on a bill to establish the printing of receipts for electronic ballot boxes.

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Brasilia (Brazil), Meeting at the Ministries of Esplanade des Sunday, August 1, 2021.

Convicted of fraud

On Thursday, during his weekly live broadcast on Facebook, the head of state announced for more than two hours that fraud had taken place during the last two presidential elections, specifically considering that he should have been elected from the first turn in 2018. But he did not present any evidence to substantiate his statements, and confirms that the current structure of the High Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is completely transparent and not filled with irregularities.

Three weeks ago, Mr. Bolzano has already raised a cry that casts doubt on the implementation of the 2022 referendum. “We have clean elections in Brazil, or there will be no elections”, he said.

He handled“Stupid” TSE President Luis Roberto Barroso believes votes can be cast instead of printing receipts “Risks of Past Manipulation”.

On July 24, tens of thousands of people in Brazil demonstrated demanding the removal of President Bolzano, who was widely criticized for managing the Covit-19 epidemic, which has killed more than 550,000 people in the country.

World with AFP