July 27, 2024

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Vaccination, abortion, same-sex marriage … Six important statements by Pope Francis returning from Slovakia

Vaccination, abortion, same-sex marriage … Six important statements by Pope Francis returning from Slovakia

As usual, the pope gave a short press conference on his return flight to Rome.

Pope Francis, who returned from Hungary and Slovakia on Wednesday 15, gave a half-hour interview to reporters who accompanied him on the flight. An opportunity to see surface issues. Here are the main excerpts from the Roman press I. Media and Vatican News.

Europe: “Europe in danger of becoming a management office”

“The EU is not a meeting to do things … it’s very spiritual! So Europe must reclaim the dreams of the founding fathers of the EU: Schumann, Adenoir, de Caspary. There is a spirit at the base of the EU and all nations must be inspired by the dreams of the great founders. We have to go back because the management office is in danger. It’s not going well! We really need to get back to magic, look for the roots of Europe and push it forward in every country that needs to move forward..

Vaccine: “There are some denial cardinals”

“Humanity has a history of friendship with vaccines. All children were vaccinated against measles or polio, and no one said ‘no’. This is strange, but we came to this. It also creates fear among the population, while others say there is a risk of the vaccine being carried by the virus. [qui refusent le vaccin, selon un terme déjà utilisé par François sur le même sujet]. One of them, poor, is recovering from the virus. This is the paradox of life! But we need to speak clearly and calmly. At the Vatican, everyone was vaccinated except for a small group of us who study how to help them.

Hungary: “A marriage helps young couples get married and have children”

The President came to see me. He had this concern, this kindness. He was accompanied by the Prime Minister and Deputy Minister. The President spoke to me. The first topic is ecology. Congratulations to you Hungarians: Your environmental awareness is impressive! I asked the average age of the population because I was worried about the population wintering. In Italy, if I am not mistaken, the average age is 47 … Spain is even worse. This is a serious concern. How to solve it? The President explained to me – always the President – the law that helps young couples get married and have children. This is interesting. It appears to be similar to French law, but much improved. This is why the French do not know the drama we have in Spain and Italy. We are not talking about immigration. So there are a lot of young people, a lot of kids in Hungary and Slovakia. This is a promise. The challenge now is to find work so that they do not have to go abroad. If there is no work, they will go abroad. The President has always spoken to me. Two ministers [dont Viktor Orban, premier ministre, ndlr.] Added some specific data. The environment was good. “

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On Joe Biden, Unity, Abortion: “I do not deny mercy to anyone

“I do not deny mercy to anyone. Perfection is not a reward for perfection – we will think of Johnsonism – unity is a gift, a gift, it is the presence of Jesus in church and community. Then those who are not in the community cannot take unity.

Second problem, abortion: it’s more than a problem, it’s murder. Half of the abortioners are killed without action. Pick up any book on instrumentation for medical students. By the third week of conception, all the organs are already there, even the DNA … This is a human life, this human life must be respected, this principle is very clear!

To those who do not understand, I will ask this question: Is it right to kill human life to solve a problem? Is it fair to appoint a hitman to kill a human being? Scientifically, this is a human life. Is it fair to remove it to solve a problem? This is why the church is so hard on this issue because if it is accepted, it will be like accepting daily murder. The head of a country said that the population decline had begun because at that time the abortion law was so strong that six million abortions were performed, resulting in a decline in births in this country’s society.

What should the pastor do? Be a teacher, do not rebuke. To be a pastor, because he was also expelled as a priest. Pastors in the style of God, with intimacy, kindness and gentleness. I don’t know much about America … but what if you were close, loving, and communicative? This is a hypothesis. The pastor knows what to do at all times. But if you come out of the pastoral care of the church, you will become a politician.

The pastor needs our pastoral closeness to resolve situations as they refer to God’s children and spirit … “

Anti-Semitism: “Too bad, it rises again”

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“Anti-Semitism is all the rage now; it is rising again. This is a very, very bad thing.”

Same-sex marriage: “Marriage as a ritual between a man and a woman”

“Marriage is a rite of passage. The church has no power to change the rites. The Lord established them. There are laws that try to help the situation of many people with different sexual orientations. And it is important to help them in this way but not to impose things that are not right by nature in the church. The French have a law: not only for homosexuals, but for all people who want to live together. But marriage does not mean that we should condemn people like this: no please! They are our brothers and sisters, We have to go with them.But marriage as a ritual is obvious.French box, gay couples can use this.But marriage, as a ritual, a man and a woman.We are all equal, we a Everyone should respect that. The Lord is good and will save all. The Lord wants the salvation of all. But the church does not deny her truth. Many homosexuals are penitent, approachable and seek the advice of priests … the church helps them progress in their own lives. But the wedding ceremony … “