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Washington has called on Beijing to halt its “dangerous” activity in the South China Sea

The United States on Saturday raised its voice against China after it collided with a Philippine ship.

Via Le Figaro with AFP

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In their press release, the Americans reaffirm their support for their Philippine “allies”. (illustrative photo) TED ALJIBE / AFP

We urge Beijing to desist from its provocative and dangerous actionIn the South China Sea. This Saturday, April 29, after a near-miss collision between a Chinese Coast Guard vessel and a Filipino, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement that the US is moving forward against China.

The Americans have also firmly confirmed Washington’s support.PartnerFrom the Philippines, “In the Pacific, which includes the South China Sea, an armed attack against Philippine armed forces, government vessels, or aircraft, including the Coast Guard, would trigger the use of the United States’ mutual defense obligations.against the Philippines under the 1951 Treaty.

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President of the Philippines in Washington

The incident, which raised the tone between Beijing and Manila, occurred near the Spratly Islands on Sunday, a day after Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Water.

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This comes as President Joe Biden is expected to welcome the Philippine president to the White House in Washington on Monday. Beijing claims the entire South China Sea, defying a 2016 international ruling that found its claims had no legal basis.

China has redeveloped and militarized thousands of hectares of reefs there over the past decade, where landing strips, ports and radar systems have grown.

A long chain of events

According to an AFP team on board another Philippine boat, the Chinese coast guard vessel cut off the path to the Philippine coast guard and a collision was narrowly avoided. The incident is the latest in a long series.

Recent images and videos released in the media are a stark reminder of the harassment and intimidation of Philippine vessels engaged in routine patrols by the People’s Republic of China in their exclusive economic zone.“, condemns the US State Department as well.

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Responding to Friday’s incident, China blamed the PhilippinesOn purposeHe wanted to provoke him. Manila assured his side that “DRoutine patrols in our own waters cannot be premeditated or provocative“And come down”A legal right that we have exercised and continue to exercise“.

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