July 27, 2024

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Wild boars occupy the streets of Rome and become a problem of local politics

Wild boars occupy the streets of Rome and become a problem of local politics

A new type of settlers settled in Rome (Italy) From a few weeks. Meetings
Pigs Now walking in the heart of the capital and its suburbs, inspired
Trash cans On public roads.

Shows pictures and videos posted on social media animals, Often with their puppies, looking for a trash can to browse fearlessly in the middle of traffic or on the sidewalks, reports Reuters Sent by Huff Post.

Political debate ahead of municipal elections

Their presence poses a real security issue. “Once, I saw them throwing trash and they ran after me because I was wearing it. Trash bag », A resident of the Monte Mario district interviewed testifies Reuters. “I threw the bag away.”

When Municipal election From
Rome To be held in early October, the campaign has become one of the main issues of the issue. The city’s current mayor, Virginia Rocky, is running for the new position, recently blaming the regional administration.

The politician from the 5-star movement blames regional elected representatives, often from the center-left Democratic Party (PD), explains this kind of responsibility, in her opinion Huff Post. The regional administration refuses. Meanwhile, residents are now carrying their trash cans with extreme caution.

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