July 27, 2024

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According to William Topp, not calling for the vaccine is “killing people” and “not responsible”

According to William Topp, not calling for the vaccine is “killing people” and “not responsible”

Called by PFMTV this Friday, the epidemiologist harshly criticized the former justice minister’s position, noting that “there is no vaccine industry in Guyana.” On the island, the vaccination rate is low and the state of health is deteriorating.

William Top did not clear words with Christian Dubro. The epidemiologist, who was the head of the Directorate General of Public Health (DGS), who was called to the BFMTV set this Friday evening, said he was “shocked” by the current attitude of the former guard of seals between 2003 and 2005. As a reminder, former Justice Minister RDL on Thursday announced that there was no “call for vaccination leave in Guyana”.

“This is a French department, the constitution applies. We have a precautionary policy that tells public officials to take action to protect health and the environment. Here, the constitution is not respected,” the former director of the Directorate General replied.

“These people accept immense responsibility because they are respected in their territory, (…) the country. Madame Toubra is one of the most respected though. And this condition, which leads to the killing of people, is not responsible.”

Florian Philip was later awarded by Christian Dau Bra to join the ranks of the weekly demonstrations of the enemy for a health pass and vaccine. The offer was rejected on behalf of the former minister of Franுவாois Hollande, meanwhile he confirmed his earlier opposition to Antivox.

The situation in Guyana is never worrisome

In the BFMTV compilation, William Top recalls the importance and effectiveness of the vaccine to prevent Govt-19 infection. A globally confirmed finding: “More than 4 billion people are vaccinated in the world. Internationally, the data are absolutely clear: as the vaccination rate increases, the incidence of the disease decreases in all countries, in all regions, in all sectors, in all cities,” he calculates.

But, in Guyana, the statistics are even more alarming. With 21 patients dying in the last 7 days, “Guyana has not recorded such a high mortality and intensive care combination since the onset of the Kovit-19 epidemic”.

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