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Joe Biden seeks to renew the quota informally, in alliance with India, Japan and Australia

Joe Biden seeks to renew the quota informally, in alliance with India, Japan and Australia

After the announcement of a wonderful military alliance in the Indo-Pacific region, US President Joe Biden continued to advance his troops in the region “Informal”, By receiving the Prime Ministers of India, Japan and Australia on Friday 24th September.

The US president is seeking to renew this diplomatic form, known as the “quad” (“four-way defense dialogue”), in search of an alliance with China. After a virtual summit in March, he brought it back for the first time in person and at a high level.

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From the White House, Australian and Japanese Ministers Scott Morrison and Yoshihide Suka welcomed the crowd. “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Area”, The formula used to criticize China and its ambitions anonymously in the region.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi insisted “Shared Democratic Values” In four partners.

“We are four first-rate democracies with a long history of cooperation and we know how to do things.”, Said their presenter Joe Biden.

Quad in unanimous light

Outlined after the devastating tsunami of 2004 and formalized in 2007, the “four-pronged security dialogue” is long overdue. By reviving him, Joe Biden continues in a way “Pioneer for Asia” US foreign policy already dear to Barack Obama.

But after the glorious announcement of the “Axis” military alliance with the United Kingdom and Australia and its submarine deal that angered France – Washington wants to present the quartet in a unanimous light.

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This is a peak “Informal” And “Close” Purpose “Create Better Communication Channels”Senior White House officials told reporters. There is no purpose “Army”, They hammered, promising to be quad “Adidoinal” Other regional initiatives answer the question of its relationship with ASEAN. Some members of the group, which unites ten Southeast Asian nations, fear that a US offensive in the region could lead to an expansion with China.

Scott Morrison assured the press that the Quad members were ready to face “Any pressure that affects one of us”, And Add: “We want Indo-Pacific countries to have this opportunity.” Because they are “Emphasize their sovereignty.”

Several projects were handled

On Friday, Quatt spoke about economic and environmental projects and the fight against the epidemic. The four partners want to launch an effort to secure the distribution of these electronic components semiconductors, essential for both washing machines and aircraft or smartphones that many manufacturers around the world are struggling to obtain today.

In total, they offer 5G, cyber security, university exchanges, space programs, fishing, vaccinations …

“For Washington, the challenge is to move beyond the single security paradigm and significantly improve the US economic position in Southeast Asia.”, Junathan Stromseth, an expert in the field, says in a note released by the Brookings Think Tank.

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If Joe Biden has a tough stance against China, he will approach the confrontation with Beijing differently, compared to Donald Trump. He wants to cross the line between the two superpowers and hope to raise the game of alliances.

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World with AFP