July 27, 2024

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According to Gabriel Attalin, the government is considering a local health pass

According to Gabriel Attalin, the government is considering a local health pass

2:56 pm: Restrictions on going to Switzerland from Monday

From Monday, September 20, the new restrictions on entry into Switzerland will apply. People who have not been vaccinated and have not recovered from the corona virus can only cross the border if they can be tested negative. However, there are exceptions … This new measure does not apply to border workers and residents of neighboring Switzerland. Read more by clicking here.

2:04 p.m.

The 600 residents of L-Aux-Moin in Morbican find themselves without a doctor due to the vaccination duty for caregivers. Reports Aust France. The man who has been in that position since last fall can no longer exercise because he has not been vaccinated against Govt-19. According to the mayor, she wants to “take the time to reflect.” From September 15, caregivers must be fully vaccinated to stay in touch with patients.

1:15 pm: More than 4.67 million people died

The new corona virus epidemic has killed at least 4,678,016 people worldwide since the end of December 2019, according to a report established Saturday evening from official sources. The United States has the highest number of deaths (673,441) compared to Brazil (589,573), India (444,529), Mexico (270,538) and Peru (198,948).

12:42 pm: The government is working on a local health pass

On PFMTV, Gabriel Attle noted the potential adaptation of the health account locally. A government spokesman recalled “There are about thirty sectors where the incidence rate is very low” and “We need to see if we can change things for a certain number of areas”. Gabriel Attal noted that next Wednesday the next Security Council will be dedicated to it.

On Thursday, President Macron said he was ready to “remove some barriers” in areas where the virus is spreading less rapidly, without giving a deadline.

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Lunch update

  • Considering the thinness in the figures, Health Minister Olivier Varan says there are “reasons to be optimistic”. He noted the rapid easing of health restrictions – “including the health pass”.
  • On Saturday, about 80,000 people across France marched against the Health Pass. The mobilization was the lowest on ten Saturdays from July 17th.
  • During the crisis, residential property prices in Europe continued to rise, with delays at construction sites due to the need for new space and locks from some homes.
  • Ignoring anti-Govt instructions, nearly 25,000 people attended an outdoor party at a university in Madrid from Friday to Saturday to mark the start of the school year.
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11:44 a.m .: The popularity of Macron and Costex is declining

Between prisons, the health pass and the vaccination campaign, the fight against Govt-19 has become as healthy as politics. Emmanuel Macron and Jean Costex ‘popularity ratings fell in September, with the president losing 3 points and his prime minister 4 points, compared to August, according to Japan’s To Dimanche’ s Iphob Barometer.

10:35: 5 minutes The test reveals if you have immunity

Researchers at Hong Kong Polytechnic University have designed a sensor that can detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in just 5 minutes. According to the magazine “Trust my science”. Cheap and handy, by analyzing the device, saliva or blood, not only can you quickly find out if a person has been infected with Govt-19 in the past, but also assess the level of antibodies produced by the infection.

9:54 a.m .: Rikers prison, from corona virus infection, it got worse

American Harvey Weinstein and Frenchman Dominique Strauss-Kahn were imprisoned there … Ex-prisoners describe memories of this vast prison complex where the health condition and insecurity caused by the epidemic are even worse. Read more by clicking here.

With the crisis, housing will become more and more expensive

Nearly 30% increase in house purchase prices since 2015: Housing in Europe remains high.

During the crisis, residential real estate prices continued to rise, with delays at construction sites due to demand for new space from some homes and locks.

In the euro area, the number of homes and apartments increased by 6.2% in the first quarter compared to the previous year. In a small country like Luxembourg this increase is particularly significant (+ 17% per annum in the first quarter of 2021).

In big cities it was less. In Paris, for example, house prices showed a small change in the second quarter of the year, while in the regions it increased by 7%, according to data from notaries.

Do rents follow the same trend? Not OK: If purchase prices have been high in recent years, rents have seen a steady increase, but less significantly.

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8:01 am: Who were the last to oppose the Health Pass?

When the mobilization weakens weekly, Lee Figaro One of the protests in Paris slipped on Saturday, to see who this ultimate opposition to the health pass would be. According to our colleagues, the procession includes “retirees, families who came with their children, students, those who oppose the health pass, others who are fighting against the vaccine, macronism as a whole”, or “slip” Fascist Of the government “.

7:35 am: Demonstration against control in Melbourne

More than 200 protesters were arrested on Saturday in Melbourne, Australia, and six policemen were injured.

Melbourne has been closed since the end of July for the sixth time since the outbreak. The state of Victoria, where it is located, reported about 500 Govt-19 cases on Saturday. Sydney has been closed since the end of June.

During most epidemics, Australia recorded one of the lowest pollution rates in the world for its “zero covid” strategy (border closures, contact cases, screening, etc.) and now aims at a vaccination rate of 70%. Activities.

7:11 am: Cuba announces Vietnam approval for its Aptala vaccine

Vietnam, the first country to approve the emergency use of the Abdala antiviral vaccine developed in Cuba since Saturday in the wake of the rise of Govt-19 cases, the state pharmaceutical group Biocopharma announced.

In addition to Abdala, which Venezuela has already signed a distribution agreement with, Cuba has developed the Soperana 02, which was approved in July for emergency use in Iran and Soberana Plus.

6:50 a.m .: A party in Spain brings together 25,000 students

Police said Saturday that nearly 25,000 people attended an open-air party from Friday to Saturday to mark the start of the school year at a university in Madrid, disregarding anti-Govt instructions. Taken abbreviated. The rally was organized via WhatsApp. According to the Spanish media, this is the largest such gathering since the outbreak, when outdoor gatherings were banned.

Information from the last 24 hours

– About 80,000 people across France marched against the health pass on Saturday, the lowest mobilization in ten Saturdays since July 17th.

– The previous day, the country – 17 days late – had reached at least 50 million people who had received at least one million vaccines.

– According to the Science Council, it has not yet been published, but Le Monde has advised that the Science Council recommends that judges strictly appoint the National Education Ethics and regulate school testing.

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– Two weeks after the start of the school year, 3,299 classes were closed on Thursday due to the epidemic.

– US President Joe Biden will host a virtual summit on Wednesday, March 19, next to the United Nations General Assembly, the White House announced Friday.

6:48 a.m .: According to the groom, “Reasons to be confident”

Health Minister Oliver Varan assures him In the Parisian / Today columns in France this Sunday: “What we want is for the French to breathe as soon as possible.” He mentions the rapid easing of health restrictions – “including the health pass”.

We are clearly on the right track. Pollution is reduced by 30% per week, even though an average of 8,000 people are affected each day

Oliver Veron

“Hospital pressure is also declining. So the easing of measures is very soon. But there are reasons for optimism,” the health minister continued, “two weeks after the start of the school year, we do not have” and, for now, do not notice a recurrence of an epidemic “.

6:47 am: The situation is slowly but surely improving

All indicators have been improving day by day for several weeks. In total, 8,912 patients were hospitalized for Covit-19 on Saturday, up from 9,070 on Friday, with 243 new additions, according to Public Health France. Among critical care and resuscitation services, Govt-19 added 1,837 patients, Friday 1,891, 68 new additions.

The positive rate is 1.6%, the lowest since mid-July and 7,414 new cases have been confirmed in the last 24 hours.

The total number of deaths since the outbreak was 116,002, including 89,235 in hospital, with 42 deaths in the last 24 hours.

6:46 a.m .: Mobilization against health mastery is minimal

On Saturday, September 18, the anti-health pass mobilization was low: 80,000 people across the country, 6,100 in Paris, according to the Interior Ministry.

This is less than the first Saturday of the mobilization on July 17th. The low turnout comes the day after the last 50 million people were first vaccinated by France.

6:45 a.m .: Hello everyone and welcome to this live stream dedicated to news about the Covit-19 epidemic in France and around the world.