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According to the book “Danger”, the CEO was worried about Donald Trump’s mood

According to the book “Danger”, the CEO was worried about Donald Trump’s mood

If invited to the latest book by the famous American journalist Bob Woodward Danger, Which is for a good reason. The top Pentagon official was very concerned The mood of Donald Trump In the last days of his decree, Especially after the attack on the Capitol, He took secret action to avoid war with China, or could not order a nuclear attack without being notified by the US president.

Chief of the U.S. Army, General Mark Millie is said to have assured his Chinese counterpart over the phone that the United States would not attack China. Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, in a book to be published in the coming days. According to the published work extract The Washington Post And CNN and General Millie promised their deputies that they would not obey Donald Trump’s potentially serious orders, especially using nuclear weapons, immediately after the November 3 presidential election defeat.

“Democracy is chaotic”

After US intelligence services concluded that China was considering an immediate US attack, General Li Sucheng was summoned twice: on October 30, shortly before the US presidential election, and on January 8, two days after Donald Trump’s supporters were attacked on the Capitol. According to the book, which is based on the anonymous testimonies of 200 U.S. officials, “General Li, I want to assure you that the U.S. government is stable and that everything will be fine.” “We will not attack or carry out military operations against you.”

General Mille recalled his Chinese counterpart two months later after the deadly attack on the US Congress that rocked American democracy and challenged Donald Trump’s election victory over Joe Biden. “Everything is fine,” he told her. “But democracy is sometimes confusing.” In addition, General Millie called on staff to inform him first if Donald Trump does not order a nuclear attack. He asked all assembled officers to confirm that they understood correctly, including reporters Woodward and Costa, according to which it was “true”.

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Defending the “international order”

He also asked then CIA Director Gina Haspel and Chief of Military Intelligence General Paul Nagason to monitor Donald Trump’s disorderly conduct. The authors of “Danger” write that “some may think that Mille has transgressed his authority and assigned more powers to himself.” But he firmly believed that he was doing what was necessary “so that there would be no historic breakdown in the international order, no accidental war with China or others, and no use of nuclear weapons.”

When questioned, U.S. staff declined to comment. But Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio was outraged by General Millie’s actions, calling for Joe Biden to “immediately” remove the chief of staff. “General Millie sought to justify his verdict, and the military verdict was more balanced than a civil order,” Rubio wrote in an open letter. “This is a dangerous precedent that could be used by General Millie or others in the future,” he added. “It is in danger of undermining the well-established policy of civilian control over the military in our country.”

“He’s crazy”

General Millie, like Gina Haspel, feared that Donald Trump would launch an attack to create a crisis on China or Iran, so he would try to stay in power. “The situation is very dangerous,” the CIA director said. “Are we going to attack for his ego?” The next day General Lick received a second call from the Commander-in-Chief following a telephone conversation with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who wanted to confirm that Donald Trump could not use nuclear symbols.

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As lawmakers gathered to testify to Joe Biden’s victory, hundreds of pro-Trump protesters and members of extremist groups attacked Congress. Five people were killed in the attack. “What measures can be taken to prevent an unbalanced president from starting an armed war or accessing codes and ordering a nuclear attack,” Nancy Pelosi asked. “If they can’t stop Capitol from attacking, who knows what else he can do?” She adds. “He’s crazy. You know he’s crazy (…), what he did yesterday is further proof of his madness”.

“I totally agree with you,” General Millie replied. But, he assures him, the nuclear command goes through “a lot of restrictions” to avoid the misuse of a president’s bomb.