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Attack on Capitol Hill: Trump Recommended to Prosecute Allies – 12/14/2021 at 3:50 p.m.

Former US President Donald Trump and his CEO Mark Meadows (AFP / MANDEL NGAN) at the White House on May 8, 2020

Former US President Donald Trump and his CEO Mark Meadows (AFP / MANDEL NGAN) at the White House on May 8, 2020

Pressure mounts on Donald Trump’s entourage: US-elected officials on Monday recommended criminal action against former Republican billionaire Mark Meadows, who refused to co-operate in the investigation into the attack on Capitol.

The parliamentary committee, set up to understand the exact role of the former president and his entourage in the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Congress, voted unanimously at 8:00 pm (Tuesday 01:00 GMT). In support of the lawsuits against Donald Trump’s former “staff leadership.”

Mark Meadows, one of the president’s closest advisers to the turmoil, has been the center of attention as thousands of supporters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to block Joe Biden’s certificate of presidential victory.

Donald Trump supporters block Congress seat in Washington on January 6, 2021 (AFP / ALEX EDELMAN)

Donald Trump supporters block Congress seat in Washington on January 6, 2021 (AFP / ALEX EDELMAN)

The 62-year-old has provided thousands of pages of official documents, emails and text messages to investigators but refuses to testify before the commission at any cost. Mark Meadows is facing prosecution on the grounds that he is trying to “block the congressional hearing” by his silence.

“SMS and emails from Mark Meadows reveal his deep implications in preparation for the January 6 attack,” assessed Monday evening’s Jamie Ruskin.

During Monday’s vote, Republican Representative Liz Cheney said on Jan. 6 that the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., would vote for Conservative Fox News. Released messages sent to Meadows. Supporters who then attacked Congress.

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– “Stupid” –

“He does not want to respond to what he learns about a brutal attack on our democracy,” the commission recommends prosecuting, Special Commission Chairman Benny Thompson announced Monday.

Former Donald Trump CEO Mark Meadows at a campaign rally for former president in Castonia, North Carolina (AFP / SAUL LOEB)

Former Donald Trump CEO Mark Meadows at a campaign rally for former president in Castonia, North Carolina (AFP / SAUL LOEB)

The recommendation of these nine elected officials must be approved by the House of Representatives on Tuesday before being sent to the Ministry of Justice. The final decision on blaming Mark Meadows rests with him.

This former senior White House official, known to be very clever, is in danger of imprisonment.

His lawyer has previously denounced an “unjust” and “irrational” process and has already taken legal action against the so-called “January 6” Commission, against the date of the attack on Capitol.

This group of elected officials is gradually tightening its grip on the former president, amplifying court orders and criminal threats in Donald Trump’s entourage.

Sulfur Steve Bannon, one of the architects of Trump’s victory in 2016, has already been indicted for the same reason he ignored the commission of inquiry.

Eager to avoid this threat, Donald Trump ordered his followers to come closer.

Adam Schiff, an elected Democrat and member of the commission, warned in a statement that if other witnesses planned not to respond to the special commission’s summons, they too could “endanger prison”.

– The privileges of the President? –

AFP / Olivier DOULIERY Parliamentary Commission to Investigate Capitol Attack in Washington on October 19, 2021

AFP / Olivier DOULIERY Parliamentary Commission to Investigate Capitol Attack in Washington on October 19, 2021

This group of elected officials is advancing in a forced march with the aim of publishing their findings before the November 2022 midterm elections, in which Republicans can regain control of the House and bury its work.

On the contrary, supporters of the former US president are seeking to mitigate the attack, calling the parliamentary inquiry a “witch hunt”, one of Donald Trump’s favorite expressions.

Parallel to these fights in Capitol Hill, the so-called “January 6” commission was a huge success last week, with an appeals court ruling that could not prevent Donald Trump’s repatriation of presidential privileges. White House.

The former president still has a few days to appeal to the Supreme Court.

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