July 27, 2024

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Floods in Belgium: “Let those who can leave Liege leave it”, warns the mayor

Floods in Belgium: “Let those who can leave Liege leave it”, warns the mayor

As the water level continues to rise, the situation in the province of Liege is becoming chaotic. As the number has risen to eleven this Thursday evening, According to the evening newspaper, Mayor Christine Defrain reiterated her call to “leave the city.” The entire province of Liege has gone into a red phase, which is what the flood warning says, indicating the general operational direction of the Walloon waterways on its website. Firefighters are more cautious, while interfering with multiplication.

The bodies of two people were found in the flood-hit province of Saud Fontaine.

According to the province’s estimates, “the water level should rise one and a half meters”. “People working on the lease or traveling may leave the city, which will undoubtedly be closed. Police vehicles emit this call through loudspeakers in the surrounding areas.

Flood peaks and stabilization are not expected until Friday morning

If vehicles are still allowed to leave the city, on the other hand, no one other than emergency services can enter it. “Silver peak and stabilization is not expected before Friday morning tomorrow”, provides the general operational management of hydraulic channels.

At least four people are dead. A dozen houses collapsed in the town of Pebinster.

Gerald Durman sends 40 firefighters to help the people of Liege

Interior Minister Annalies Verlendon has implemented the EU’s civil defense mechanism to deal with damage caused by bad weather in the east of the country. Following the announcement, French Interior Minister Gerald Durmann announced that Liege would send 40 submarine-rescuers and a helicopter and aquatic research team from a unit of the French army.

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Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian posted a message of solidarity with his “Belgian and German” friends on his Twitter account this evening.

Although the league was partially submerged and evacuated, some shops in the town of Verviers, located in the Belgian province of Liege, have been looted, including the La Libre report. A curfew has been imposed to prevent such looting from happening again, starting at 9 pm and ending at 6 am tomorrow.