On the last day of this year, let us examine the evolution of the Govt-19 epidemic: In the last 4 days, 2191 new cases were reported in Guadeloupe and 350 cases in the 50th week in the North Islands. The Omigron variant, meanwhile, is spreading rapidly, according to officials.
This Friday, December 31, 2021, the authorities informed us that there was a health crisis in Guadeloupe and the North Islands. All lights are red for the spread of Govt-19 in our areas.
Did the fifth wave really start?
Increasing indicators
The virus is spreading rapidly in Guadeloupe.
Name of The total number of new cases in four days is 2191 (Against 543 cases in 7 days, in the 51st week), 18,300 were examined. People aged 10-19 and 20-39 make up 65% of these new cases.
The Positive rate 10.4% And this Event rate 634 For 100,000 citizens, in the last 7 rolling days. These rates are rising sharply and now, in a matter of days, rates have gone above the warning threshold.

COVID tracking indicators based on age in the week 2021-52.
In Saint-Martin, the week from December 20 to December 26, 2021 (week 51), 126 new cases, Against 46 in 50 week. It should be noted that as of December 27 (current week 52), 74 new Covit-19 cases have already been registered.
The Event rate Stands tall 397.2 For every 100,000 people in 50 weeks, 128.7 per 100,000.
The Positive ratio The rate is increasing weekly 4.1% Week 51, up from 1.3% in Week 50.
For the 51st week, we count 224 new cases, In the Saint-Barthélemy area, in week 50 33. Since December 27, 81 new Govt-19 cases have already been registered.
The Event rate Settles in 285.9 50 per 100,000 people per week, 81.7 per 100,000 population.
The Positive ratio Settles in 12.7%Against 1.3% at 50 week.
Omigron is good and true
The Omicron variant is present in 46% of the samples in Guadeloupe, 67% in Saint-Martin and 88% in Saint-Barthélemy.
Currently, 11 clusters are monitored, Guadeloupe and the North Islands: schools, hotels, nightclubs, bars and private parties that follow.
Yesterday evening, at 5:00 pm, 25 people (including 2 with Covit-19) were observed in intensive resuscitation.
Regarding medical services: 17 patients have been admitted to the hospital, in 66 beds open for Kovil, in medical service, area.
There is no major impact yet on the hospital.
Vaccine duty and free trials
This December 31, 2021 is the last day for suspended health professionals to sign up for the listening and conversation groups via the platform. www.ecouteetparole.com Or phone number 0801.908.208.
So far 605 people have registered.
This is the last day to carry out tests and enforce the compulsory vaccination law.
Considering the eruption of pollution, the government decided to extend it Free Govt Tests in Guadeloupe and the North Islands until February 15, 2022.
Administrative activities
To find out what management practices are in place in Guadeloupe, see the following newsletter:
Read / Govt Status Update – 12/31/2021
New Year’s Eve in Saint-Martin and Saint-Bartholomew:> Click here, To find out what is possible and what is not.
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