July 27, 2024

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Israeli army chief promises “response”.

Israeli army chief promises “response”.

Washington does not want “escalation” with Iran, but will continue to defend Israel

“We are not seeking expansion, but we will continue to defend Israel and defend our forces in the region.”US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made the announcement at the start of a meeting with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Tamim in Washington on Monday.

“Israel's aggression this weekend has demonstrated to me that it need not, and should not, defend itself when attacked.”Condemning Iran's attack, he said,“Unprecedented Scope and Magnificence”The first directly targeted the Jewish state.

Mr. Blinken announced a radical diplomatic line “Over the past thirty-six hours, the diplomatic response has been aimed at coordinating to prevent escalation” in the region. The US diplomatic chief met specifically with his Egyptian, Jordanian, Turkish, Saudi, British and German counterparts, the State Department said.

Iraqi Minister said “Fears that the entire region could be drawn into a wider conflict that threatens international security”. “We therefore request all parties to exercise restraint”He declared.

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