July 27, 2024

Ferrum College : Iron Blade Online

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Jerome Solomon is pleased that vaccinated people are “eleven times less likely to be admitted to intensive care”

Jerome Solomon is pleased that vaccinated people are “eleven times less likely to be admitted to intensive care”

The vaccine against Govit-19 works. “We have eight times less pollution when vaccinated and eleven times less risk of being admitted for intensive care.”, Director General of Health Jerome Solomon was delighted at Orly Airport on Friday, August 20, where he arrived to greet caregivers who were flying to the West Indies.

Where do these figures come from? Of Last review The Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistical Assessment (DREES) released the same day, passing statistics on vaccination, hospitalization and screening for Govt-19 between August 2 and 8.

First point: pollution. Between August 2 and 8, the number of positive RT-PCRs per 100,000 unvaccinated people rose to nearly 400, compared to almost eight per 100,000 fully vaccinated., Underlining the text. “By restricting itself to symptom positives alone, the number of positive tests per 100,000 people is significantly lower, with nearly 180 unvaccinated and 20 completely absent. Vaccinated “, Again for a ratio of one to eight. However, one downside: fully vaccinated people are less likely to be tested than non-vaccinated individuals, and the vaccination certificate is a health pass or condition sufficient to travel to most countries.

Regarding hospitalization, “Of those admitted to the hospital during this period, 84% were admitted for intensive care and 76% were routinely admitted to hospital, while 9% and 17% of patients were fully vaccinated, respectively., Study details. “By comparing the numbers with the population at each vaccination stage (…), there are 11 times more important maintenance inputs among those who have not been vaccinated.

Regarding deaths, These rates are 7 for 75% of unvaccinated people and absolutely 20% for people Vaccinated “, The study adds. Or, for a comparable population, “There were 4.7 times more deaths that week from those who were not vaccinated than were completely vaccinated.”